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President of the USA

Discussion in 'News and Weather' started by KINGCOLE, Nov 9, 2016.

  1. robert k

    robert k DI Forum Patron Highly Rated Poster Veteran Army

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    Trump could have lost Idaho and still won.
  2. ChMacQueen

    ChMacQueen DI Forum Patron Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer Veteran Army

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    To make sure states like California that train a certain way of thinking don't fully control the process. If you discount the top 2 liberal powerhouse states (California and NY) that offer so many handouts to liberals and illegal aliens you'll find Trump up by 5 million votes. California is #1 as far as election fraud goes having a minimum of 3 million illegal aliens registered to vote (of course they wouldn't dare actually vote would they?) which is proven by California voter registration data, federal data, and census data. Watch Mark Dice on youtube sometime as he goes through places like San Fransisco that just LOVE Hillary asking nonsense questions like what women think of Hillary's plan to make Sharia Law the law of the land and liberal women love the idea if it comes from Hillary. Liberals loving Obama's plan on blowing up the moon and attacking Russia's moon base. Can't forget Hillary's plan to end free speech which liberals agreed on some saying things like it gets in the way of doing the right thing and crap. My favorite is Hillary and Obama's plan on euthenasia on elderly people because we don't have the resources to deal with them and our resources should be spent on the young. Idiots like that shouldn't be allowed to speak let alone vote. (yes, Hillary and Obama never said such things but the point is liberals believe and side with anything if they think it came from them).
  3. robert k

    robert k DI Forum Patron Highly Rated Poster Veteran Army

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    Obama can pardon Hillary, Obama can pardon himself, it would be perfectly legal. Nixon could have pardoned himself but he stepped down. I'm sure in Nixon's case there was already an understanding that Ford would pardon him.
  4. robert k

    robert k DI Forum Patron Highly Rated Poster Veteran Army

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    Bill is definitely not cuddled up with Monica. Monica was a target of opportunity and a convenience. Bill has a much better group to choose from now.
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  5. cabb

    cabb DI Forum Patron Highly Rated Poster ✤Forum Sponsor✤

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    Not likely, but nice rationalization. :smile: Every person's vote is equal in my opinion. Here is a more likely reason for its existence.

    Why Does The Electoral College Exist? History And How The American Presidential System Works

    It was establish in 1793 and it's probably time that it be ended as things are little different now.

    There are plenty of sheep on both sides of the fence, don't kid yourself. Can you say Rush Limbaugh.....:o o:

    I'm happy to have someone other than a politician as president, regardless of the party. Personally, I'd prefer a Warren Buffet type, but Trump will have to do. Hoping that something different than the status quo will make a difference. We'll likely have 4 years of Republican control of Congress and the Presidency. I hope our country is better of 4 years from now than it is today. It seems the establishment is worried about him based on the vote in DC, which may be a good thing. Interesting times ahead........

    Care to share you predicts on what we'll see 4 years from now?
  6. cabb

    cabb DI Forum Patron Highly Rated Poster ✤Forum Sponsor✤

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    He could lose any of his states that had 9 or less Electoral votes. That is simple math, what is your point?
    • Funny Funny x 1
  7. OP

    KINGCOLE DI Senior Member Highly Rated Poster

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    Demonstrations in several US cities, looks like George Soros is getting involved again.
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  8. ChMacQueen

    ChMacQueen DI Forum Patron Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer Veteran Army

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    Liberals protesting and rioting over Trump which is far different then Conservatives who lost to Obama in 2008 and 2012 when no one rioted or even protested. Just think what would have happened if protestors in 2008 or 2012 hung an Obama doll from a noose as they are doing with Trump.

    There is one way around the pardon which is impeachment and both Hillary and Obama could be impeached after the fact which would void the pardon. There are also numerous pieces to have a proper pardon done and potential for errors even with a general pardon. It doesn't disallow a full investigation and details going forth and taking down the Clinton Foundation and her family.

    Not every vote is equal.... only a citizens vote. I agree the electoral college is dated and we need a better system. However I also see Trump as winning the popular vote of citizens. California recently released how many registered voters they have along with the percentage they say that is of potential voters in California. Fix that data through the Census data discounting those under 18 and federal data on how many non citizens we have in California (which many say is a low ball). We come up with a bare minimum of 3 million non citizens registered to vote with a likelier number of 5 million... of course they would never vote illegally right because its a crime and the punishments are so severe like.... a $100 fine or mild scolding. NY isn't much different as we saw only recently NY fighting to allow non citizens to vote in the state along with free ID for all including legal immigrants and illegal aliens. In the end realistically likely 5-8 million non citizens voted for Clinton (the US currently has aprox 60 million non citizens if we accept the only 11 million illegal alien number). However we will never know because its pretty well forbidden to check voter rolls and registrations to make sure who votes is an eligible citizen and only votes once.

    I would also though quite honestly rather have a civics test to register to vote. Nothing major but just knowing a few very basics on the US Constitution and such.

    p.s. sorry that I went on a bit of a rant but its a hot topic for me and has been for years. I've been following these issues for many years well before Trump came into the spotlight even in 2012.
  9. knobhead

    knobhead The Knobster Infamous

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    The Electoral College is based on equal voting power for less populated states. There is one electoral vote for every Senator and Member of the House of representatives. Lower populated states have on vote for approx. every 250,000 residents, higher populated states have one vote for every 600,000 residents. Those number are not exact but are a true representation of how it is configured. The Idea was to keep low populated states from being dominated by high populated states. This is based on how empty some states were in the 1700's
    Funny how the Democrats did not have a problem with this procedure when their side is winning. The Republicans were the ones griping about the process last election. Now it is the Democrats who are complaining.
    Personally I am looking forward to being able to finally move back to the USA and not be burdened with insane onerous laws like Obamacare. Maybe now the VA will stop denying me coverage and it will get the proper level of funding it needs to provide the healthcare we all were promised. The GOP has not had control of all three branches of government since 1928. Way over due.
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  10. knobhead

    knobhead The Knobster Infamous

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    I am no constitutional lawyer but I am pretty sure a Presidential Pardon can only happen after a person is actually convicted of a crime. Hillary, Abedin, or Podesta have not been prosecuted yet.
    I will love to hear what the Filipina house maid has to say about what she was told to do with Classified documents. If she lives that long. people who cross the Clintons tend to suffer from unexpected sudden death.
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