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President of the USA

Discussion in 'News and Weather' started by KINGCOLE, Nov 9, 2016.

  1. cabb

    cabb DI Forum Patron Highly Rated Poster ✤Forum Sponsor✤

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    Why does everything have to be us versus them? I personally believe the Electoral college is no longer necessary regardless of who wins an election. There is no arguing that it doesn't distort the election results because we have seen it. It's an antiquated concept who time is done. As you say it's based on 1700's thinking. Funny how people like it when it benefits them.......I say one vote, one person, every vote counts. They should all be legal citizens too.
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    Last edited: Nov 11, 2016
  2. cabb

    cabb DI Forum Patron Highly Rated Poster ✤Forum Sponsor✤

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    Ok, let me put a qualifier my statement. Every citizens vote counts, non-citizens should not be voting. There should be penalties for those who do and are not.

    I agree about the test.....there are crazies on both sides. It would be very interesting to see how things shook out.

    No worries.....I try to be logical about things, but we all have our opinions. I respect your ideas and like to understand them. I like a spirited discussion that focuses on the facts and doesn't involve name calling. I'm not suggesting you are name calling, I just see a lot of it on both sides.
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  3. knobhead

    knobhead The Knobster Infamous

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    Until the problems with voter fraud are corrected the Electoral College format (which helps to alleviate the impact of fraud ) will not be abandoned. Conservatives have been trying to do just that for many years. But all of their efforts keep getting blocked by the open boarders people and activist judges. Hell man I watched an interview last week where Obama gave a statement in that interview saying that he encourages illegals to vote, saying that because they are illegal it is all the more reason for them to vote and added that no one will come to punish them if they did. That statement says a lot about the George Soros headed New World Order group of which Obama and the Clintons are members of. WTF are conservative Patriots supposed to think and do about those types of statements from a sitting president? How should we react to the active coalition of foreigners and elitist Citizens trying to turn the USA into a nation governed by the United Nations with a world wide Supreme Leader.
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  4. ChMacQueen

    ChMacQueen DI Forum Patron Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer Veteran Army

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    Sadly untrue. One has to remember Nixon who was pardoned after he resigned by Ford. Nixon resigned under a high chance of impeachment to avoid that and no conviction took place while Ford pardoned him first thing. Of course investigations went on but avoided Nixon who had received a blank pardon pardoning him of any and all crimes against the US. He could have gone out and raped and murdered a hundred young girls right before he accepted it and then accepted it and he would have been protected from charges for all of it.

    The way around it is if no error in the pardon process which would fully void it is impeaching the person which is unpardonable. Impeachment after the fact can happen and is legal but extremely unlikely even more then an impeachment of someone sitting.
  5. ChMacQueen

    ChMacQueen DI Forum Patron Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer Veteran Army

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    Like Steve said though, the electoral college does a fair amount of good at keeping the impacts of voter fraud down. Based on federal numbers, statistics, census data, and amount of non citizens and illegal aliens its looking like anywhere from 8-13 million illegal votes happened. Many of those non citizens or illegal aliens, some dead, some duplicate, and so forth. I lived for awhile in Las Vegas NV and every friend I had their and in Reno complained in 2012 how they didn't really get a vote because so many Californians had a *residency* established for tax purposes because taxes in NV are far less then Cali even though they don't live their. They all were saying as well has those Californians would vote in NV to expand the liberal vote because they knew California would be liberal matter what and wanted their vote to count for something.

    We won't ever see mainstream media covering any of the issues with voter fraud as real or proper investigations from the establishment on it. Yet when people compared numbers of adult citizens, minors, illegal aliens, and non citizen immigrants it seems in some places and usually where people are the most clueless to have such very very high rates of voter participation if we are to believe dems are honest. But do we really think a person who won't even read the slightest political news and keeps blinders on besides the hot feed on twitter is really going to be rushing out the door to vote?

    One of Trumps biggest things he could do (not that he said he would) would be to secure the elections requiring Voter ID nationally and proof of citizenship to register to vote. Best thing the SCOTUS could do with a conservative SCOTUS would be to rule that illegal aliens and tourists coming to the US and giving birth are evading US Jurisdiction which is required under the 14th Amendment. Declare that "and subject to the jurisdiction thereof" means they are under legal status obeying the laws and intent as far as immigration goes. That right there would be completely legal and would help end illegal immigration and the burden we are taking. Congress could also pass it as an Act to define intent on a simple majority as well and the President could write an Executive Order declaring it so as well (EO would be challenged in SCOTUS requiring an answer or if Congress did it its simply law of the land unchangable by the SCOTUS).
    • Informative Informative x 1
  6. Rye83

    Rye83 with pastrami Admin Secured Account Highly Rated Poster SC Connoisseur Veteran Army

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    Where are all of the statistics for these problems? Voted fraud, tourists coming here to have babies, illegal immigration. I hear a lot of people say these are problems but I have yet to see many, if any, hard statistics on these alleged problems.
  7. AlwaysRt

    AlwaysRt DI Forum Patron Highly Rated Poster Blood Donor Veteran Air Force Marines

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    WOW, nearly 10% of babies born in 2007 were anchor babies, down to "only" 8% in 2013. I never understood why people entering the US illegally are rewarded with citizenship. I thought you were not supposed to be able to profit from a crime? Not sure why any American would be opposed to stopping this loophole? Any ideas?

    "About 295,000 babies were born to unauthorized-immigrant parents in 2013, making up 8% of the 3.9 million U.S. births that year, according to a new, preliminary Pew Research Center estimate based on the latest available federal government data. This was a decline from a peak of 370,000 in 2007." Number of babies born in U.S. to unauthorized immigrants declines

    "The United States and Canada are the only developed nations in the world to still offer Birthright Citizenship to tourists and illegal aliens." Nations Granting Birthright Citizenship | NumbersUSA
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  8. Rye83

    Rye83 with pastrami Admin Secured Account Highly Rated Poster SC Connoisseur Veteran Army

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    Well if those numbers are correct then it certainly sounds like a problem that needs to be fixed. Some people might not oppose it because they feel sorry for the poor and see if as a way to give them a leg up? (I'm not one of those people.)

    I understand the original purpose of the jus soli, not so sure it applies too much these days. I could see allowing people with permanent residence (after 5-10 years of living in the US and being in good standing) to allow their children the jus soli citizenship. People who bring something to the US should be rewarded, those who come/stay unlawfully and become a burden should be discouraged.

    One thing that some people don't seem to understand though...many "illegal immigrants" have committed no criminal offense. Unlawful presence is a civil offense, not a criminal one. Illegal entry is a misdemeanor but many come into country legally on work/student/tourist visas and overstay. So saying that many come here just to have a baby are benefiting from a crime is not really taking the whole story. (It's a d*mn good thing for MANY western tourists in the Philippines that "unlawful presence" is not a criminal offense there as well. Miss an extension because of a national holiday you didn't know about? Criminal! Could you imagine? lol)

    Also, do those numbers indicate if it is one or both of the child's parents that are undocumented immigrants? How many of those children had at least one parent that was an American citizen? What are the numbers for citizenships issued jus soli vs jus sanguinis?
  9. ChMacQueen

    ChMacQueen DI Forum Patron Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer Veteran Army

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    Federal data shows between illegal aliens and tourists that 350-400k babies born every year to that group. The pew research group which said less then 300k has a long history of under-reporting data to benefit illegal aliens. One of the things is many births to illegal aliens in California go unreported as an illegal alien birth due to sanctuary city policies in LA and SF.

    As far as a criminal offense issue. Crossing illegally is a civil office yes. Falsifying documentation, false claims on legal status, getting a job while not authorized, identity theft, using fraudulent identification to open a bank account or conduct financial matters with a financial institution, driving without a license, transporting an illegal alien, and a thousand more daily offenses are all criminal offenses many of them felonies. Re-entering the US as well once deported or evading deportation orders are also criminal offenses.

    As far as statistics to voter fraud that is an issue because those in control where it is most rampant keep those things hidden so they can't be investigated or proven. Who's going to investigate voter fraud if it favors dems in California or check to make sure only citizens are registered to vote and doing so? Many many attempts to look into illegal voting and cross checking voter registration databases with USCIS and ICE databases have been thwarted every single time (why?). Attempts to crosscheck voter registration and cast ballots vs those who have claimed non citizen when they get jury duty have also been thwarted.... again why? The lack of solid federal statistics is mainly due to the Obama admin which in 2009 ended the public release and even the collection of much of the data. The data for how many illegal aliens the US currently has is from 2007 which estimated 12-13 million illegal aliens by federal data and then in the last year has been downplayed to 11 million under Obama's claim as *deporter and chief* while he offers so many protections and benefits for illegal aliens. Yet are we to believe that because of those protections and benefits illegal immigration is actually down? All the talk on *surge of unaccompanied minors* would then be false which was pushed by Obama and the left's media so we would pity these poor innocent kids because after all Obama is deporting so hard that net illegal immigration is down?

    A lot of questions and very few answers is what one is left with. Then when a question is asked and someone wants to get to the truth everytime we hear calls of racism, hatred, and xenophobia while the left blocks any attempt to find the truth.
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  10. Rye83

    Rye83 with pastrami Admin Secured Account Highly Rated Poster SC Connoisseur Veteran Army

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    If they are unreported how do they get their citizenship? Without any documentation of your birth you simply don't exist, and if you don't exist then you aren't a citizen of any country. I am still curious to know how many jus soli vs jus sanguinis citizenship are issued.