A young guy from India with a head problem got up at my neighbors apartments at 5Am. Got the garden hose, a hammer and a knife. Started spraying water through the window of the maintenance guys room, then threaten to bash them with the hammer and stab them. He ran away before the police arrived. From what I know he has been blottered in Dauin and left without his passport and personal stuff. Will see what happens....
My wife was on the back of a motorcycle recently and her cell phone fell out of her pocket near Robinsons. Soon after she called her number and someone answered and told her to come and get it. No money........
Dunno if this the right place as I wasn't shocked, more 'resigned'. A kind of here we go again.... The good lady comes back from a hard day's toil to report a number of 'developments' in business. Viz: all of a sudden, without any warning, no time to prepare, it's happened. The Mayor of our local municipality implements a number of new 'health' policies for all citizens in business. From the lowliest fish peddler to the housewife selling puto cheese cakes for a few extra pesos. From the sari-sari stall to the grocer in town. Everyone has to have an x-ray and a sputum test. Total cost P900 pp. or thereabouts. Or no business license at renewal time. Notwithstanding that the local hospital ran out of X-ray materials and the labs are backed up for weeks I just don't know many Filipinos in my neck of the woods that have that sort of cash to hand. They're going to be facing stiff fines for non compliance and will risk have their businesses taken away from them ( as if the demand for P900 doesn't put them under pressure already on top of the business license fees the municipality imposes). I've heard of employers passing this cost on to their employees via a cut in their wages. And nope, I've decided to pay my staffs X-rays and sputum tests, that's plain unfair. Thus if in any way you handle food stuff or even water even you have to have a clean bill of health if you are vending or working with it. I'm sitting having a cold one under a tree ATM staring out over the bay bay. A terribly thin, near malnourished Lola with grandchild is picking shells. No doubt she'll want to peddle them in an hour or two...I'll bet she hasn't seen P900 in her life. Happy days C
From what I have seen and read TB is a very big concern in the Philippines. I see nothing wrong with food handlers having this test. The life saved may be your own.
Right.....so let's go for every citizen then. TB is an air transmitted disease, and not exclusive to food handlers. Why not your trike diver? Or the local petrol pump attendant? Maybe the lady that sells tickets for a ferry to another island? Strikes me as a very selective targeting of a sector of the population that no medical evidence suggests is more vulnerable than other sectors of the population. Whole population based inoculation stops the spread of TB, not grabbing P900 off your candederia gal because you won't grant her a license to trade without an X-ray (a very dubious way of establishing TB anyhow). Is this Mayor medically qualified to screen X rays? Last I heard he used to be a trader in hardware. Has he got the time to screen everyone connected with food or water vending? I doubt it both ways. TB is a huge problem here I agree. But let's be fair and even handed. If the Mayor has a bee in his bonnet about TB then how about starting in the schools.....that's the scientific way of going about it. C
Things that can shock you daily.... Many of my electrical appliances do that daily. lol I have a new led light bulb I installed outside... it works great... never goes out even when I switch the plug off (just dims down a little) .. lol.
Getting a health check is nothing new when applying for a business permit, hate to burst that bubble. We had to have them for all our staff who handled food, e.g. waitresses, barmen, all kitchen staff obviously, in both our beach resorts 20 years ago(both Siquijor & Sibulan). Perhaps over the years it has become a shade lax in enforcement and they are now starting to implement it again, no harm in that. I think.
I had one of those. My electrician said it is because they work on such little electricity they will stay on when the "hot line" is disconnected so you need a bipolar switch to cut both lines. It works well now. If only I had such a switch for my bipolar ex . . . .
Bubble not burst...no worries. Really? I didn't know that. First time in nearly 12 years I've seen it in my yard. Curious as to why now though...I hope it's for all the right reasons. Even so, it's not quite the right way of going about things in terms of disease prevention. Cheers, C