So you are saying be stupid (Keep It Simple, Stupid)? He did not specify, you are ASSuming he meant to use the conventional system AND whole numbers AND digits. I merely expanded upon the message that I quoted (#7) and added specificity. We all often ask very unspecific questions that require others to guess what we are talking about and somehow we are usually able to guess correctly. In a 'test' situation like this though, it is entirely reasonable to expect a non-standard meaning of common words. Of course by the OP's answer, you were correct and I was being a smart @ss. Thank you, thank you very much...
Of course not! I was saying Keep It Simple Steve but I thought you might bite. Good thing you know I am just teasing you.
Perhaps it is a trick question in that the only 7 standing alone in that statement would be the number 7, so the answer would be one. Otherwise, the answer is 20. However, my thoughts are more on the one 7 and not the twenty 7s.
Since the original poster did not come back and tell us the answer, I went to our dear friend Dr. Google. The answer is 20 all day.