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Dumaguete City to discipline unruly foreigners.

Discussion in 'News and Weather' started by Ozguy17, Mar 10, 2018.

  1. djfinn6230

    djfinn6230 DI Senior Member

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    You are a permanent resident, not a guest. And if your wife was born here, it is her birthright. You are the spouse, you are bonded to a native by solemn marriage and in no way are a guest. Sorry for my poor choice of words.

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  2. tuba-coma

    tuba-coma DI Forum Adept Showcase Reviewer

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    thank you for the history lesson and your good advice, so I read about the historical facts. William Howard Taft was the 27th president of the USA from 1909 - 1913. Before, from 1900 on, he was the chairman of the Taft Commission in the Philippines. This means, he could have never said as a US president "where in the hell is the Philippines" because he knew the country very well already. As history says; the USA never intervented the Philippines "to fix the disaster that Spain created" " just like nursing a patient to health" - they wanted that time the Philippines as a springboard to the asian markets; a simple economical intention. a good deed? hm, may others evaluate that. Wikipedia defines the time of the american occupancy of the country as "American tyranny".
    so don't take it personal, we talk just about facts. coming back to the topic of this thread: Fact is, that arrogance is a strong emotion, people don't like it here, people don't like it anywhere; you are right. so we should just respect that and behave appropriate. not a big thing, cheers :-)
  3. Rye83

    Rye83 with pastrami Admin Secured Account Highly Rated Poster SC Connoisseur Veteran Army

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    It goes both ways with these "unwritten rules": tourists should seek information on local culture and traditions. Locals should not expect every tourist to do so.

    Some tourists simply do not care about local culture or tradition because the government and some private companies advertise things that have absolutely nothing to do with local culture (example: diving, "white" sand beaches, nature tourism, basically any activity on boracay or panglao). Many of the nicer resorts provide everything a person needs on vacation so their customers don't have to spend much time at all dealing with the locals or their culture.

    If Filipinos don't want to deal with the culture and traditions of tourists then they shouldn't be begging for tourists to come to their island and spend money. This does not excuse being a disrespectful, rude and arrogant tw@t, that's not really acceptable anywhere I've been, but Filipinos need to also learn about other cultures and learn to excuse some of the things that do not mesh with their own culture.

    People like to say that tourists are guests. Well, that is true.....but they were given an invitation through the form of the advertisements through the tourism department, part of the government that the Filipino people chose to represent them. A good host sould be accommodating to their invited guests and be tolerant to their beliefs and customs. It should be a positive learning experience for both the guest and the host.

    Expecting every tourist to know everything about Filipino culture is a ridiculous and unrealistic expectation. You mentioned Thailand and taking off the shoes. Most Thai do not get super offended about it with tourists. It is such an uncommon thing in the West that it will slip most people's mind now and then. It happened to me several times during my last trip in Thailand. They knew my intent wasn't to offend and they politely reminded me that I needed to take off my shoes, which I promptly and sincerely apologized for and then removed my shoes. Thai people, in my experience, seem to understand that tourists are in a new place and taking in a lot of new information and experiences and enjoying themselves....and they were always polite and ready to explain their culture to anyone that asked. You don't get a lot of that in the Philippines; ask a Filipino why something is the way it is and you will usually get a "that's just the way it is" or a "if you don't like it go home". It is a sh*t attitude to have towards an invited guest.
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  4. djfinn6230

    djfinn6230 DI Senior Member

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    Correct, it has been a while since I read “In our Image” and it was McKinley, not Taft who received the Philippine Islands as president and had to be shown on a globe where it was. I don’t hold Wiki in high regard as an information source due to its propensity for bias. I will say it turns out that Taft was a pretty good guy for the Filipinos. From another article, not Wiki (which academics should avoid like the plague), “From 1901 to 1903, Taft became very popular among the Filipinos and Americans while he served as the first civilian Governor-General of the Philippines. In 1902, he negotiated with Pope Leo XIII in order to purchase the Philippine Islands owned by the Roman Catholic Church. He managed to persuade Congress to provide the $7 million to purchase these lands, which he then sold to the Filipinos on easy terms. In 1903, President Theodore Roosevelt finally offered him a position as justice. Reluctant once again, Taft declined the offer because he had come to enjoy his popularity amongst the Filipinos and he wanted to make sure they were truly capable of governing “ and this basically backs up what I have been saying. And the USA did not need a springboard to the Asian markets of tea, spices and maybe rubber? Only later during WWI, which was unforeseen, did copra become a useful (renewable, and for Filipinos, profitable crop) that Americans used for munitions, again as the good guy, in WWI. What I forgot was that the Catholic Church owned the Philippine land as if it were a big estate and the USA, a GOOD colonizer, raised the money from our own national debt and gave it back under easy financial terms. Do you think Japan would have done this? What about China seizing territory in the South China Sea? All you accomplished with your post was to further point out that the US was really a good impact to the Philippines during the short and costly period that the US reluctantly controlled the Philippine Islands (what is now the Republic of the Philippines). Not that the USA would do the same today. The majority of Americans voted for Trump and are absolutely sick and tired of paying to be the world’s benefactor (and cop) whilst other countries pay for free medical, education etc..

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  5. kiwidude

    kiwidude DI Junior Member Veteran Army

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    What about the foreigners that get about wearing what looks like gangster patches on their backs ?
    now they just look like twats, and should just go back to whence they came, they are a blight on the landscape and a bad reflection on the good foreigners, there is no need for that type, maybe the authorities might like to target them ?
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  6. Rye83

    Rye83 with pastrami Admin Secured Account Highly Rated Poster SC Connoisseur Veteran Army

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    You mean the guys in the geriatric MCs? They are harmless. Their bones are too brittle to fight and they don't ride faster than 50kph oh the highways.
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  7. cabb

    cabb DI Forum Patron Highly Rated Poster ✤Forum Sponsor✤

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    Hells Angels Grandads. :smile:
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  8. jimeve

    jimeve DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer Veteran Army

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    Careful what you say about those geriatrics, they're ex-Special forces. :cautious:
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  9. Liverpool fan

    Liverpool fan DI Senior Member Showcase Reviewer

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    So we all need drive a Honda wave, and wear white socks up to the knees in sandals? If not, we will be deported ha ha. I don't see anything wrong in old guys follow their dream and get a Harley, room around in a group and have fun. I like biking to, don't have a big bike, but consider buy one and not a Harley, like the speed on a sportbike. I'm my own boss, so don't go biking in groups, but sometimes with a few friends, great way to come around and see more of the beautiful Philippines.
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  10. KTM

    KTM DI Senior Member

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    Ah yes, so it's okay for Filipinos to walk/ride around in colors then, but not expats?
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