Quite odd news. I'm not member there, because Metro Cebu is not one of the preferred living place. But still bad that it is down.
Is the owner still keeping himself anonymous? I would suggest hitting him (or any of the amins/moderators) up on FB if you know who he is.
I'm a member of L in C too. First Dr. Shiva topic there is from all over the Philippines, Dumaguete included, even from outside the Philippines. The new owner is still anonymous, I use the forum for info and pleasure, just wait and see if any info shows up what the reason the side is down. My guess is maybe a problem with the ownership, I want to emphasize it's just a guess, but we live in the Philippines, lol
new owner seemd to be n self destruct mode from the beginin. his first order of business was allow all the trols back in.
You can't avoid trolls on the internet, of course, you can block them, I don't give them attention, don't feed them, let them starve and they will leave you alone, like beggars you don't feed same same
if they have already estabilshd themself as troll and detrimental to teh forum, why knqowingly allow them back in to continue?