Dumaguete Info Search

Dumaguete City named best place to retire in Philippines for 2018 ....

Discussion in 'Dumaguete City' started by tuba-coma, Aug 10, 2018.

  1. Liverpool fan

    Liverpool fan DI Senior Member Showcase Reviewer

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    I think most agree it's an individual thing to choose where to live, country, city, countryside etc. No matter where I live in the world, I have a list of wishes, it's outside of a city in peaceful area, friendly people, near the sea, nice nature, then I make my research and see what's possible. Honestly, I feel happy here in Bacong south of Dumaguete where I live, I don't believe in utopia and don't close my eyes to the bad/negative sides of life. All of us can agree that traffic in Dumaguete is terrible, but it affects us to varying degrees. I choose the time on the day I go city, when I remember it, and take the bike, no big deal to me. There are no special bands that tie me to the Dumaguete area, I look around other places to see if there are a better place to live. Just came home from Cebu island today, look around the west coast of the island, special around Moalboal area. No way I will move, prefer Bacong many times over that area, the only thing is the white beaches they have in some areas, that's not enough to make a move. I think the way we live our lives and choose where to live is where we put our focus. I can get f*cking depressive if I look at politic and that's not only in the Philippines, so I know what's going on but focus on other things which give me more pleasure in life. Today when I was on the ferry Santander to Tampi, I saw I have a flat tire, ask a truck driver if he had some tools I could borrow, he change my tire. Many nice people around, I had a real problem because my tools were disappeared in one way or another, next time I see someone who needs help I remember, how a little help can make a big difference to someone. My conclusion or point is if we focus on the negative sides of Dumaguete sides of Dumaguete city then it's what you see and of course, if you focus on all the positive sides it's what you see. I move here from Panglao because I don't like to live in a tourist place, had 5 years in Bohol, great time but things change, more tourists, international airport, new hotel on the beach, 600 rooms, now what was public beach before belongs to the hotel, money, money makes the world goes around. Freedom is the most important in my life, I don't want to built or buy a house and be forced to live there when you rent easy to move. Back to Dumaguete, I see a lot of positive things, the mall is fine for my needs and Cebu is nearby, restaurants and food places is fine to my needs, after 3 years I know where to go if I need a dentist or new tires for my car, I need that lol. Best of all by living here is the surroundings so many places to go, I like to go on a bike trip, easy to go to other islands, ferry ticket is very cheap. I come from Denmark and live in Asia have always been my dream, I plan to go to Malaysia soon, very close when you live in the Philippines, many places like Bali, Singapore, Hong Kong, Japan, Cambodia, Vietnam just outside the door, cheap ticket for flight compared with trip from Denmark and 30 hours plus in a plane, 4 hours fit me much better, again life depends where we put focus
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  2. OzeMike

    OzeMike DI Forum Adept

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    Add to that the unenforced no smoking laws in most expat restobars eg Octagon, Flip Flops, Katz amongst others. Despite there being signs saying Dumaguete is a Smoke Free city. Gie Gies Sports Bar is smoke free and enforced full marks to them.
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  3. RPlongtymer

    RPlongtymer DI Junior Member Restricted Account Infamous

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    There was a study done several years ago that claimed that living in Los Angeles, certain areas, was the equivalent of smoking 7 cigarettes a day. And that upon autopsy, they can determing the length of time you were living in L.A. by the abnormal changes in you lung tissue color, etc.

    This applies to Dumaguete as well. The N.S. ordinances a a joke, imo, although I will tell someone to stop smoking if they are close by and the smoke is drifting towards me. There's a guy who used to go to Y-not that would light up his pipe an blow clouds of smoke around outside seating. Y-not no longer allows smoking at outside seating.

    The N.S. ordinances a meaning less really. You are smoking by breathing the air in the City. Respiratory problems are a leading cause of death in the R.P. There's a good reason you see so many people wearing masks.
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  4. Notmyrealname

    Notmyrealname DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer

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    As a non-smoker (and someone who wishes not to pay to kill himself) I agree with non-smoking enforcement BUT I think traffic fumes are the greatest enemy of our respiratory health here (you must have all seen the soot on your cars after rain). Apart from the particulates which will damage our lungs, the rain is going to be quite acidic. Btw, I hardly ever see anyone locally using face masks but I had to use one frequently in CdO.
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  5. OzeMike

    OzeMike DI Forum Adept

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    When we lived in Cebu City the air pollution was so bad we use to wear face masks when using taxis in the traffic jams to avoid the 'Cebu Cough'
    Dumaguete is way better with not many jeepneys just plenty of belching trucks going along the bolourvard and through town so it's catching Cebu City up. Second hand ciggie smoke can ruin a meal listening to a band. It can trigger my allergic bronchitis. Wish they would have an area of No Smoking Tables.
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  6. RPlongtymer

    RPlongtymer DI Junior Member Restricted Account Infamous

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    Is the air in CDO appreciably worse than Dumaguete?
  7. Notmyrealname

    Notmyrealname DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer

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    In my opinion, yes. It was quite terrible to go through in a trike. I disliked the city intensely.
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  8. cabb

    cabb DI Forum Patron Highly Rated Poster ✤Forum Sponsor✤

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    I hope it's better if you live close to the ocean in LA. :smile:
  9. mokum

    mokum DI Senior Member

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    PRA names Dumaguete as the best place to retire in the Philippines

    Negros - The Philippine Retirement Authority (PRA) names Dumaguete City in the province of Negros Oriental as the best place to retire in the Philippines in 2018. - klajoo.com - PRA marketing director Mervin Magbuhat said the Philippines is the most googled country in the world when it comes to retirement. According to Magbuhat, Dumaguete City is the first city in the Visayas that has been designated as the Best Retirement Area Deemed as Retiree-Friendly (RADAR). Last week, representatives of the PRA visited the Dumaguete City Mayor Felipe Antonio Remollo last week on Wednesday, August 8, and handed him the award. Dumaguete City reached 87.48 percent, based on the criteria of the United Nations, International Living, World Health Organization and other organizations worldwide. As criteria called Magbuhat, the cost of living, friendliness of the locals, climate, health care, peace and order among others. Magbuhat says that out of 300 foreign retirees living in Negros Oriental Province, 255 live alone in Dumaguete. In the Philippines, Magbuhat says, as of June 2018, there are a total of 56,432 foreign retirees who have a Special Resident Retiree's Visa from the PRA. KR 15.08.2018 - 3:38

    + + + 14.08.2018
  10. Rye83

    Rye83 with pastrami Admin Secured Account Highly Rated Poster SC Connoisseur Veteran Army

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    I wonder what were they using for their search criteria?
    retirementPhilippinesChina.PNG retirementPhilippinesMexico.PNG retirementPhilippinesUK.PNG retirementPhilippinesUS.PNG retirementPhilippinesColumbia.PNG retirementPhilippinesPanama.PNG retirementPhilippinesKorea.PNG

    If you put "retirement" before the country name you get a lot of countries that have more search queries. (There were far fewer searches for all the countries if you put "retirement" after the country name. Same for a "retire in x" search.)
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