Dumaguete Info Search

Very new to Dumaguete

Discussion in 'Dumaguete City' started by ChEng, Dec 25, 2018.

  1. TheDude

    TheDude DI Forum Patron Highly Rated Poster

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    I'm a bit like you in that I do my thing remotely as a web developer. Some days I imagine that I could have been dropped randomly at any spot and this is the one which came up. I walk out my door knowing where I can get get groceries and load for my mobile data. That's all I need. With man-brain, I feel that nudge to hunt for tail, but I love solitude even more. Location and meat-space collisions seem to me like dots on the fringe of a radar of "s**t that matters." Dumaguete works for me. The North Pole works for me. ***k it.

    However, I'm beginning to question that view. I like building stuff. I like working with smart people. I like getting glimpses of the unknown unknown chambers of strange devices with knobs, levers and dials which run our world (or will in the near future) which only a small number of people ever see. I feel like I should be in one the points of civilization which everything revolves around. Imagine if a city just won the game and shot off into the universe to become a highly advanced civilization. That's where I think my next move will be. At this point, that would have to be either NYC or Silicon Valley. Each are far from perfect, but they are the best we got.

    I used to believe in being a digital nomad, but not so much anymore. We still need to be able to rub shoulders with the above mentioned people at the levers. I might be wrong on that count though.

    Good luck on your travels.
  2. DavyL200

    DavyL200 DI Forum Luminary ★ Global Mod ★ ★ Moderator ★ Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer

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    One place i was impressed with was san carlos,clean,quiet. (No retards with noisy pipes). There are a few fast food places inc mcdonalds and a few small malls.
  3. furriner

    furriner DI Forum Adept Restricted Account

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    “The grass is always greener...”

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  4. furriner

    furriner DI Forum Adept Restricted Account

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    “Don’t let the swinging doors hit you...”

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  5. furriner

    furriner DI Forum Adept Restricted Account

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    Six months ago I returned from a vacation to the US and couldn’t believe how happy I was to be back.

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  6. Happy Camper

    Happy Camper DI Senior Member Restricted Account Infamous Showcase Reviewer

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    I understand your feelings, but there are other places that are much worse.

    I was in Bacolod for 8 years and it went down hill fast. If you like gold maybe that is for you since that is about all it has to offer.

    I felt about Bacolod as you feel about Dumaguete. I moved here. Went to a cardiologist for a regular check up and he prescribed a new blood pressure medicine because my old one was to strong. It was the climate and stress from Bacolod to Dumaguete.

    It is all up to the individual as to what is acceptable. I enjoy walking all over town, don't need to drive, although I do own a car for trips back to Bacolod for the wife's family visits.

    You want trash and filth, try walking around San Francisco or New York City. I am sure there are places you describe all over the world. No one is exempt from not taking care of where they live.

    I sincerely hope you find a place you enjoy and can say it is better than the place you left like I do. I love it here and accept the little problems and hope they don't enlarge.

    When I was in the military for my 25 years there was always a saying. There were only two good assignments. The one you were moving to, and the one you just left. There is something good about everything if yu take the time to see it and quit complaining.
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  7. Notmyrealname

    Notmyrealname DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer

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    It is not people being "blind" - it is a person's opinion based on their own individual circumstances and how they interpret it. So if they eat at good restaurants, or cook good food at home, and drink bottled water then they might not become as sick as you and so view Dumaguete in a different way - perhaps thinking about it while on the loo is not the best perspective!
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  8. Rye83

    Rye83 with pastrami Admin Secured Account Highly Rated Poster SC Connoisseur Veteran Army

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    When you eat trash your health will also be trash. Be smarter about what you eat and drink and when/where you go outside. Don't eat fast food regularly (this should be common sense anywhere you are in the world). Don't drink well or tap water, drink purified/bottled water. If you have a weak immune system or medical/lung problems the pollution during the day is going to mess you up. Don't live in the city or drive around during rush hour if you have these issues. Staying/eating/living healthy in developing countries takes significantly more effort than it does in the West, you are just going to have to accept that.

    Continuing to do things that are counter to your personal health needs is not all that smart. We don't all face the same issues you do. You either have some personal health issues that need to be addressed or we are doing something different than you. Sitting around complaining about these problem ad nauseam while not asking how others avoid it can get a bit tiresome and does nothing to improve your life (or others who have similar issues but don't like to post).

    It seems that Western sanitary standards are a requirement in your life. You simply aren't going to find it in developing countries. It may be best if you look for a Western country to travel/live. I hear Romania is a nice compromise between Western sanitary/infrastructure standards and affordable living costs. Have you been there yet?
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  9. Dr. Shiva

    Dr. Shiva DI Senior Member

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    I noticed that in the Philippines some areas are degrading while others are developing. If you want a near western standard then check as an example Makati. Other areas are very low like some municipality in Neg Or. A nice and clean place I heard in Neg Or is Bayawan. That city has a good mayor looking well to the city.

    I made once a comparison between Dumaguete and Ormoc City and it was quite a draw. But since then Dumaguete seems still degrading while Ormoc is still improving. We have relatives in both cities which are telling us about the situation there. Currently is the balance between both cities in a slight favourite to Ormoc.
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  10. tel522

    tel522 DI Junior Member

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    I live in bali ,which is like many other developing countries ,with all the usual problems ,corruption ,rubbish ,bad roads etc etc , the trick in my view , is to live in the beautiful areas ,quiet good nature ,good air .
    Im sure from reading your forums the Philippines is very much the same as here .
    Ya you have to search around for the right area to live in ,then you will find peace .
    Some people will never be happy in these types of countries .
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