Dumaguete Info Search

Review Dumaguete is not the best place to retire.

Discussion in 'Dumaguete City' started by Ares Alexakis, Jan 23, 2019.

  1. Notmyrealname

    Notmyrealname DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer

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    If you study genetics then you will discover that this is not possible. I tried eating like a handsome young man - to no avail.
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  2. OP
    Ares Alexakis

    Ares Alexakis DI New Member

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    Halo there Ry83,

    I don't need to read anything on this forum so as need to do more research about Dumaguete. I have my own experiences and I needed it to release my disappointments and to feel better. Most of all I want to make innocent people aware of what's happening.

    I am posting this NOT for you NOR for people who think they are the best in the world BUT it's for me to release my tensions, to share my experiences and again for those innocent people to be aware.

    I am a concerned citizen who lives around Philippines. I don't need to prove to you as you did not feel what I felt and you might not experienced that I have experienced or you just accept low level of service because its what you think you deserve. So if example a Hotel charge you for
    2,500 per night but they never provide tissue or towel, is it fine with you?
    Well, go ahead it's up to you if you think you deserve that kind of service.

    But for me, if I pay the price I should get the right price..meaning the service they give should be equal to the price they ask me to pay. Of course at 1st experience you can calmly ask for it, but many times? that's too much! Are they kindergarten?

    Again they are only excited to collect your money but don't have the heart to serve you. They don't learn or they don't want to improve to serve better.

    So what do I do in this case with Hotel?
    Of course, call the reception tell to bring the missing items calmly.

    And the next time you're back you thought they learned but they repeat the same thing again and again. Because they're sleeping while they serve customers. Even a no brainier or uneducated one can follow the basic rules, how much more the hotel staffs that are trained who graduated high-school or college?

    So again staffs here in Dumagute are sleeping I guess top reason of the cause is the Religious Denominations. That's scary here in Dumaguete. I traveled around Philippines and only in Dumaguete that has hundreds of religious denomination. Try to count churches here in Dumaguete and around. I guess you'll enjoy counting. (FYI: I don't have church or business to promote this is purely consumer's experiences!)

    Going back, I always want to write reviews in every experiences I encounter to make innocent people aware. I am glad I am able to after almost one year wanting to do so due to busy days.
    Of course like I said, I traveled around Philippines, and ONLY in Dumaguete I FEEL like I want to express something. BECAUSE it's too much. If EACH of innocent consumers TALK, mind you everything will change for the BETTER. I see only FEW does SO, establishments with bad services continue to do bad services because most people accepts to be treated like animals.

    So all that I am sharing in the past few months are my experiences so do not be amazed if I write everyday or every second, because since I started writing it, I want to finish it by expressing everything I encounter at my own pace. Though some of my experience are way back in the past THEY are still fresh in my mind. Especially if it KEEPS repeating the same experience it makes you freak out. Like I said I can write a book with all of my experiences!.

    I DON'T think everyone has the same exact experiences. So each of us has the right to post something based on our experiences JUST as it is.
    And mind you I am posting this because I have experienced it personally and not a copy paste I am not a copywriter.

    You're telling me not to accuse of something, isn't you accusing me that I am not telling the truth here?

    If you're good at following forums, you should be good at reading and comprehending as well on my post before you react.

    Why should I read news and be convinced to pack my things to move here in Dumaguete. I know Philippines well because I am a FILIPINA.
    Like I said I moved here to live with Natures but I am amazed how Dumaguete is going down day by day.
    And I hope it's not because of these religious denominations that make staffs sleep at work. Or perhaps because of all these bloody Chinese establishments that monopolizing the city.

    We are Humans, we are not pigs so we deserve a human treatment and everything. I know you need it. You deserve it too!
    • Funny Funny x 1
  3. Solid_Pan

    Solid_Pan DI Member

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    Splitted personality?
  4. Notmyrealname

    Notmyrealname DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer

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    Actually, you can be both as a Filipina is a subset of being a Filipino.

    However I feel the style of these rants are NOT female; I may be wrong but that is my feeling.
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  5. Liverpool fan

    Liverpool fan DI Senior Member Showcase Reviewer

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    Only girls winning like that lol
  6. MikeP64

    MikeP64 DI Forum Adept Veteran Marines

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    Fooled you twice, shame on ?????
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  7. tuba-coma

    tuba-coma DI Forum Adept Showcase Reviewer

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    drama queen - I love to read all that...more please :-)
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  8. Notmyrealname

    Notmyrealname DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer

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    You may have hit the nail on the head there.
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
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  9. Rye83

    Rye83 with pastrami Admin Secured Account Highly Rated Poster SC Connoisseur Veteran Army

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    Seems like you would have saved yourself a trip if you had.

    You act as if there is some major transgression or crime happening when in reality bad service, subpar food and outrageous food prices (when you factor in quality) is the standard in the Philippines. It is the way it has been since I first came to the country in 2005 and was probably like that long before that. Yeah, there are a few restaurants around the country that can step it up to a Western standard but you almost always pay a premium for that (more so than you would for the exact same service in the US).

    There you go making those assumptions about people and resorting to personal attacks again. You are definitely putting off a pretty irritating "holier than thou" vibe.

    It seems you have forgotten where you are. You are not in your home country anymore. You need to forget about those standards and prices and adapt to the local standards and purchasing power. Yes, the service is subpar and food overpriced...but it is like that almost everywhere in the country. You say you've been traveling around for a year in the Philippines? With your expectations and huge sense of entitlement I'd say the odds are around 2:1 you don't make it another year.

    Again, none of this is breaking news to anyone on this forum (or a person who has even spent a couple days in the Philippines/Dumaguete). Many of us have complained here and to the managers of the restaurants. It has rarely ever made any lasting impressions on the way the business operate. They will only change the way they operate when they start to lose money.

    What does religion have to do with service and people sleeping on the job? The answer is nothing, absolutely nothing. You say you have traveled and Dumaguete is the only place where Filipinos sleep on the job. Pay closer attention when you are traveling because it happens all over the country.

    "I guess you'll enjoy counting"?
    What does this even mean? Maybe I should cut you some slack, it seems that English isn't your first language. Given the arrogance, odd backhanded insults, p*ss-poor communication/social skills, desire to let everyone know how unhappy you are and a massive void where a sense of humor would normally be I'm going to guess you are German? If so that explains pretty much everything.

    Why do you keep saying "innocent people"? That's a bit odd. Do you see yourself as some sort of restaurant reviewing super hero on a mission to enlighten us helpless citizens? Captain Complainer?

    :o o: Lol What?

    :hilarious: Oh boy, you're one of those types. Disagreeing with you isn't calling you a liar.

    :wideyed: Huh? There is no way you are a Filipina. Was your dad German?

    Solid logic. Perhaps you are Filipino. :rolleyes:

    Want to know how to hack the bad service issue in the Philippines? Carry your own service bell with you when you go out.
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  10. Solid_Pan

    Solid_Pan DI Member

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    Some of the expression he/she uses sound like a 1:1 translation from german to english language.
    Unfortunately I think you are right,Rye83. I promise that we are not all the same... :smile:
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