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House passes medical marijuana bill

Discussion in 'Dumaguete City' started by Sedona, Jan 30, 2019.

  1. Sedona

    Sedona DI Forum Adept

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    Wow, who would of thought given the current environment that the House would step up and pass a medical marijuana use bill with a vote of 163 to 5.

    Still, this bill is VERY restrictive and limited in that only the government can cultivate the marijuana for medical use, and it can not be smoked but must be processed into a "medicinal format". It will take special permission to be able to prescribe and will only be available for very limited range of conditions. But this is certainly a highly commendable first step in the right direction. I can understand why they are very cautiously putting a toe in the water, but hopefully once the benefits begin to be realized there will be some loosening up on the restrictions.

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  2. HeyJoey

    HeyJoey DI Member

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    163 to 5! Wow,
    its finally time they study the medical benefits at a much cheaper price than those pills..
  3. tuba-coma

    tuba-coma DI Forum Adept Showcase Reviewer

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    that's good news for all the grumbly expats, maybe they will be able to chill now, go with the flow of the Phils and stop complaining about everything :-)
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  4. TheDude

    TheDude DI Forum Patron Highly Rated Poster

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    Don't know about that. The weed of today isn't like the weed of 20 years ago. The stuff being sold in the US now is so potent that it could again become a health threat. It's a powerful drug and could worsen anxiety or cause anxiety in people who don't otherwise experience it. For certain people, it could really drag out the crazy.
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  5. TheDude

    TheDude DI Forum Patron Highly Rated Poster

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  6. danbandanna

    danbandanna DI Forum Patron Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer Veteran Marines

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    Must disagree... 40 yrs ago the weed was as good as today... about time the attitudes change... :smile:
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  7. TheDude

    TheDude DI Forum Patron Highly Rated Poster

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    There's two different angles I could take on a counter-argument to this.

    1. Availability: The most potent weed of 40 years ago wasn't as available as the most potent weed of today. While I'm not familiar with a period which was at or before my birth, potent weed was far more expensive than the much less potent of 20 years ago. In some regions, there was little supply. Weed from Mexico flooded markets to the South and weed from Canada flooded markets to the North. The result was default poor quality in Arizona and default good quality in Washington. Exceptions were areas which had a strong culture for growing high quality weed, which created pockets of supply of good quality. Today, good weed is a highly available commodity.
    2. Technology: You could get high;y potent weed 40 years ago, but that weed won't compete with a lifting of the prohibition of R&D in the weed industry. There has been a massive influx of investment money going into developing quality. More brains, access to grow tech and a green light on science only increases the quality of today.
    3. Bonus round: As an addition to point #1, more people are getting access to the better quality. More people who may have never smoked weed otherwise are picking up the pipe (joint, bong, whatever your preference.) If good weed grows in a forest and nobody is around to smoke it, is it still good weed? Part of the "good weed score" is how many people are smoking it. For most people smoking weed 20 - 40 years ago, the weed wasn't that good.
    I'm no Keith Richards, but I have done the fair share of at least a half dozen people of substances in my day. Some more than others. Weed was a favorite. I feel that weed is one of the most powerful in how it affects the mind.

    I don't suffer from anxiety, but I can see that little b@st@rd hiding in a dark corner in my brain. Weed likes to seek it out. Shine a light on it. Poke it with a stick to get it agitated. My brain is such that I can tell everyone to play nice and be civilized. A little bit of anxiety even makes me feel more alive. It lights a fire under my @ss (for tomorrow of course.) For others, that little b@st@rd is more like a fire breathing dragon. When weed awakens it, the beast gets angry.

    I would place weed close to hallucinogens to how powerful it is over the mind. Though it's tough to compare because shrooms and LSD put you so far out there. If you shouldn't be smoking marijuana, for d*mn sure you don't want to be doing LSD. A twist is that all of the above have been argued as a treatment for anxiety. Maybe that's true, but only in a clinical setting as opposed to self medication.

    I suppose nothing is really foolproof. Alcohol deadens the mind to anxiety but a bad hangover can create psychosis. I'm not a psychologist, but anxiety to me is a disturbed feeling of loss of control. You approach a panicked state because your sense of order in the world evaporates. You feel vulnerable, like you could get wiped out an any moment (probably a more realistic view of the world, but your brain does a great job of filtering out the facts in a normal state.) Psychosis is losing your grip on reality. It's falling into the rabbit hole where the laws of physics no longer apply. It's like kicking the support columns out from underneath the structure of your carefully constructed reality. In that state, any crazy idea seems plausible, including taking the nearest exit. I haven't dug into stats, but I would bet that most alcoholics who commit suicide do so while hung over.

    Kids, just say NO to drugs!
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  8. Mark K

    Mark K DI Member

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  9. danbandanna

    danbandanna DI Forum Patron Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer Veteran Marines

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    Sounds like a page from the anti Marijuana legislation... sorry if you could not handle your weed but thousands do. It has been proven many times over that Marijuana has many medical uses and has helped and healed many maladies, but research into that area is hindered by attitudes of fear and ignorance. Today opponents of Marijuana legislation both medical and recreational use this same old argument that that "weed is so much stronger than 20 yrs ago" which is today's equivalent of the movie "Reefer Madness"
    There does not seem to be a rash of psychotic disorders in any of the states that have recently passed legalization, but what is happening is that more money will be put to research and treatment for those who need it.

    Just sayin....
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    Last edited: Feb 1, 2019
  10. Rye83

    Rye83 with pastrami Admin Secured Account Highly Rated Poster SC Connoisseur Veteran Army

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    Is there a legitimate medical benefit to being able to smoke it?