A quick search on google reveals this guy was a "Owner at The Apo Bay Resort and Residence Development Corp." per Linkedin. I can see many possibilities as to motives here. Mo money mo problems.
I highlighted "money" because I am wondering if that could also be the route to finding the perps. Does anyone know if a reward is being offered by the authorities on this matter OR, if not, whether as a group of ex-pats we could offer one (for information leading to the conviction of the murderers). But I am not sure if the time between arrest and conviction, if guilty, would be unduly long and so reduce motivation but also not sure if offering a reward for information (even if leading to an arrest) is possibly going to result in false accusations. Over to those with more experience here. If a reward is offered by a group of us, to which I am willing to contribute, then I think it best if it is done anonymously through one person - so that participants also do not become targets.
Good reminder for expats to have cameras in their houses. Perhaps just their presence could save lives. A "visitor" might think before acting if it was obvious that you had cameras everywhere.
Negros - A 49-year-old Italian was shot dead by two strangers on Thursday shortly before midnight at his home in Dauin, Negros Oriental province. - klajoo.com - The victim was identified as Andrea Guarniero, an entrepreneur, a rugby fan and a former political scientist from Padua. Italy, who emigrated to the Philippines in 2016 to pursue a career as a real estate broker. Guarniero is married to the Filipina and has a 9 year old son with her. Guarniero was in an outhouse from his house while his wife, son and two sister-in-law were sitting in front of the TV in the villa. The Italian worked in his office on the computer when the two strangers invaded and killed him with three shots. Guarniero was hit in the head, in the chest and in the hand and was killed on the spot. The motive for the murder is not yet known. KR 30.03.2019 - 3:59
And persons are inquiring about starting a business here.......Foreigners, keep your heads down, and just enjoy what is good here. Avoid rubbing locals up the wrong way. it's not like "Home".
What are you talking about? I made a small fortune out of my initial big one... Joke apart, really sorry about him and especially to his family and son but to be a broker in the Philippines is not advised or until all the lands are titled and register (never gonna happen).