According to my wife there is a case of a coronavirus infection in Dumaguete I hope this is fake news. Knowing the Philippines it would not be the first time. P.S. Just read the comment from Glendazumba with more detailed infos. So let's hope the bug will not spead in town. :(
How can we find the comment from Glendazumba? From what you say it might be kinda important. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I read a child was diagnosed. Best to just stay away from children and the elderly, the largest carriers of diseases, and not allow them in your home or to touch anything you own. I really wish they would adopt payments by card so I didn't have to touch the same cash that children and old farts have spread their disgusting diseases to.
I read recently that it is men about age 36 who are the main carriers of coronavirus, but I think this might be FAKE news.
I did a little research and found that the VICTIMS included the 31 year old male in the US and other victims ages start at around age 40. Of course VICTIM is just a subset of CARRIER. I believe most health agencies always warn that children and the elderly are most at risk for death with any flu epidemic but please note the Mr Rye admits he is trolling in his post. I think that the risk of spreading this disease is magnified by the lack of knowledge, responsibility and experience of his younger generation and they should stay away from the usual public places frequented by them like Y-not and go to church and pray for God’s mercy that they will not be next haha:troll_back: Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk