Dumaguete Info Search

maybe we can get out.

Discussion in 'Expat Section' started by filmguy, Mar 17, 2020.

  1. filmguy

    filmguy DI Member

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    there is a rumor going around that the dept. of tourism will be flying tourist out for the next 60 hours . don't know if its the usual rumors and B.S. but if anyone knows how to get on that list please post it.thx
  2. OP

    filmguy DI Member

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    ok so a coast guard boat left this morning at 10 am with expats for cebu if you are in Dumaguete and need to leave text to this number and let them no you need to get out. If we get another boat load maybe we can leave.here is the number......09173042613
    • Informative Informative x 2
  3. Roadwitch80

    Roadwitch80 DI Member

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    Where are you getting your rumors? How legit is this source of yours? Why wasn’t this published in the newspapers? You’d think they’d send out an advisory for those of us who need to get out stat. Why all the secrecy? Is this an illegal operation where we have to pay some coast guard folks a lot of money to smooth our way or is this a service they provide for those trap in the island?
  4. Solid_Pan

    Solid_Pan DI Member

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    +92 / 2
    "Calling all stranded foreign Tourists
    We request tourists who are stranded in Dumaguete City and the province of Negros Oriental to contact your nearest City/Municipal Tourism Office.
    We need to include you in our database for monitoring and ensure your concerns are addressed.
    For more information call our office at 035-4229409 (Dumaguete City Tourism Office) or (035-2251825) Neg Or ProvincialTourism Office).
    Thank you."

    Source HeadzUp NegOr, Facebook
  5. ChMacQueen

    ChMacQueen DI Forum Patron Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer Veteran Army

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    They don't give a sh*t about foreigners trying to leave, they want our money during this to try and save the little of the economy as they can and the news sources won't care so much about sharing any info designed about helping foreigners get out.

    They created a problem with this. They WILL let us out if we have a flight where we can enter the lockdown areas 12 hours ahead. However ignored is they have pretty much cut off our travel from other islands be it flight or ferry so those of us in Dumaguete are f*cked. Further because of very few passengers many flights out are being canceled as well because why lose money to help foreigners and our money escape their country.

    There is talk people trying to get embassy's to help us get out of our lockouts areas (other islands) so we can leave but haven't heard if anything is actually happening (not that I'm really paying attention but have a couple friends with this issue).

    Just have to wait and see and can try and call your embassy to see what they say. Odds are for now just batten down and expect to ride this for a couple weeks to a month.
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  6. Solid_Pan

    Solid_Pan DI Member

    Trophy Points:
    Sibulan, Neg.Or.
    +92 / 2
    For short term visitors (tourists) from Germany, the german embassy is just trying to support them to leave the country, maybe by an embassy organized flight. Here is the mail every registered german received yesterday, sorry for posting the german text, maybe not all german tourists might speak english well.

    "Liebe Landsleute,
    angesichts der weiteren Ausbreitung von COVID-19 kommt es zu immer weitgehenderen Einschränkungen im internationalen Reiseverkehr. Dies betrifft auch die Ausreisemöglichkeiten aus den Philippinen.
    Sie haben sich über ELEFAND (Elektronisches Erfassungssystem für Auslandsdeutsche) bei der deutschen Botschaft in den Philippinen registriert.
    Wir prüfen derzeit alle Möglichkeiten, deutschen Staatsangehörigen, die sich mit kurzzeitigem Aufenthalt in den Philippinen aufhalten, bei der Rückkehr nach Deutschland zu unterstützen.
    Zur Vorbereitung möglicher Maßnahmen benötigen wir Ihre Hilfe: Bitte aktualisieren Sie Ihre Registrierung bei ELEFAND. Ergänzen Sie insbesondere im letzten Feld auf der letzten Eingabemaske (Schritt 5 von 5) im untersten Feld „sonstige Angaben“, ob Sie ggf. an einem von der Auslandsvertretung organisierten Rückholungsflug teilnehmen möchten, wenn keine andere Möglichkeit zur Ausreise mehr bestehen sollte. In der Anlage finden Sie die Seite dargestellt.
    Tragen Sie dort z.B. ein: „COVID-19-Rückholung erwünscht“. Ergänzen Sie bitte z.B. besondere medizinische Bedürfnisse.
    Sollten Sie bereits ausgereist sein, bitten wir um Löschung Ihrer Registrierung. Dies ermöglichst es, einen schnellen Überblick über die noch in Philippinen befindlichen deutschen Staatsangehörigen mit kurzzeitigem Aufenthalt zu er halten.
    Sollten Sie mit deutschen Staatsangehörigen in Kontakt sein, die sich noch nicht in unserer Krisenvorsorgeliste registriert haben, werben Sie bitte für die Registrierung in ELEFAND unter https://elefand.diplo.de.
    Bitte beachten Sie auch die stets aktualisierten Reise- und Sicherheitshinweise unter www.diplo.de.
    Ihre Botschaft Manila"
    • Winner Winner x 1
  7. you_have_been_removed

    you_have_been_removed DI Forum Adept

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    +264 / 53
    Im sure most of these supposed foreigners that fled to the hills, are just tourists/backpackers,
    (I mean tourists in the true sense of the word) trying to get out as they will run out of cash etc etc.
    the older settled brigade like myself, where are we going to flee too, why would we flee, whats all the panic about, we were here for all 3 months of the China crisis, and we never left, never had any intention to leave, sat back watched the news and sipped our Pilsen. The Island is awash with good veggies, chicken, rice, pork, fruit

    relax with all this trapped talk
    • Agree Agree x 3
  8. LENNY

    LENNY DI Forum Adept Showcase Reviewer

    Trophy Points:
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    Had a friend from Norway he left with the coast guard boat and made it to Cebu rebooked his ticket there as it was a guaranteed ticket to do so and went to Singapore.................. from there a waiting word
  9. Show Pony

    Show Pony DI Forum Patron Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer

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    Running out of money is the only reason I can see for wanting to leave.
    The death tolls for place like Iran, Italy etc. are fairly high.
    The virus has been around Manila and area for a while, maybe a month or longer. So far there are not very many death for a city of 12 million.
    Maybe being here in the PI may not be such a bad thing.
    • Agree Agree x 5
  10. Notmyrealname

    Notmyrealname DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer

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    I feel sad you feel the need to apologise for writing to your fellow citizens in your own language. This is very clearly a sensible thing to do and it is very kind of you to show concern for tourists from your country. I am sure this forum is tolerant of how people communicate, according to specific needs.
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