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Thank God we haven't any human garbage like this here...

Discussion in 'Expat Section' started by barryrio, Apr 25, 2020.

  1. barryrio

    barryrio DI Member

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    Reading the above article makes me so grateful that I live in the Philippines and not the UK. I read a lot of criticism on various forums about the way things are in this country and while I accept that things are far from perfect at times I find it hard to imagine such moronic and despicable acts as these taking place over here.

    Back in the pre-enlightened days when I as involved in policing in Liverpool disgusting behavior such as this would have earned the offenders an unpleasant ride in a personnel carrier to the cells following advice and guidance en-route and a visit to the A&E Department for cosmetic repairs. Rant over!
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  2. jimeve

    jimeve DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer Veteran Army

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    It's not just Liverpool, It seems it's like that all over the UK.
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  3. djfinn6230

    djfinn6230 DI Senior Member

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    We would love to know the advice and guidance provided on the way to the Dept of cosmetic repairs. I like the way you put that lol

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  4. Rye83

    Rye83 with pastrami Admin Secured Account Highly Rated Poster SC Connoisseur Veteran Army

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    People to horrible things all over the world. Just last year there was a kid (or kids) going around Dumaguete stabbing random people.

    Police breaking the law and assaulting suspects that haven't been convicted of a crime, making the police no different from the criminals they arrested...cool. :meh:

    These types of crimes still exist and have always existed, though to a lessor extent today than it did back then.
    You just hear about these incidences more often now because, well, the internet is a thing. (How often do you think people in the Philippines would have heard about old farts half way around the world getting punched prior to the internet? My guess is very seldomly, if ever.)

    Perhaps those heavy handed methods didn't actually do much in the way of prevention and were done more so in the name of revenge than justice. But I suppose it should be excused since all that lead in the air from leaded fuel and paints was making everyone (including the police) dumber and more prone to violent behavior. I wonder if the effects of breathing in all that lead wears off in time or if it is something that sticks with you for life? It sure would explain a lot things. :rolleyes:
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  5. OP

    barryrio DI Member

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    Yes Jimeve - seems to be the way it is now. This seems to be true of any town there at this point in time. The fact that the Crown Prosecution Service and courts are reluctant to prosecute or hand out sentences that might in any way act as a deterrent to this sort of behavior does not help matters.
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  6. hansie

    hansie DI Member Restricted Account Infamous

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    "It's not just Liverpool, It seems it's like that all over the UK."

    Fyi; The same type of vermin exists on the other side of the North Sea as well. Luckily, when the are picked up (and that happens very frequently!) they will appear before a judge right away and they are issued 2 weeks - 3 months sentences without fail. It's know as Swift Justice...
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  7. OP

    barryrio DI Member

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    If only they had that in the UK. Getting to the stage where an arrest is something to be avoided at all costs (by the police lol). This is the results of 10 years of cuts in manpower and the overly lenient judicial system. Guaranteed prison time would deter many of these retards. But as things stand such antisocial behavior will continue unabated.
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  8. djfinn6230

    djfinn6230 DI Senior Member

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    I thought your conservative prime minister didn’t put up with this sort of thing (by being a conservative) and might be inclined to sponsor reforms in your justice system. I realize though the right now your country is quite busy disassociating itself from the EU and may not much time for criminal reform. I suspect UK may be more free to provide such reforms in the future...?

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  9. Always a Poppy

    Always a Poppy DI Senior Member Restricted Account

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    There's been a Conservative government in UK long enough and nothing has changed. I'm not in any way connected to the police force, but have witnessed officers representing their local force almost in tears because of the frustration of not having the resources to go after known, repeat criminals.
    One of the big differences from the type of violence that was seen in Liverpool compared to in other countries is that it was done for pure enjoyment. That's not unusual in UK and the perpetrators often pick on the vulnerable, as it's less risky. Can you imagine young people doing that to elders here? - no chance, at least not without motive.
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  10. djfinn6230

    djfinn6230 DI Senior Member

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    “Normal” human beings living a functioning society have 2 backups to prevent such abuse of the vulnerable. First is conscience, which is usually inherent, perhaps reinforced by a moral code that used to be based on religion but something other than that these days. Without religion, people still have consciences; agnostic or atheistic beliefs do not seem to play a role at all. We can’t blame the problem on empty churches. Atheists are fine, well-balanced people who simply don’t believe in God or the Bible. Certainly they don’t need a Bible; that book is intended for preparation into the next life only (which they do not believe exists in any case). The second backup is the law and police enforcement. With two layers of protection, this behavior should never happen. However, for some reason there seems to be pockets of sociopaths in certain areas and who knows what causes them to be sociopathic? Is it drugs? I really don’t think so. Lack of religion? No, as already stated. It actually could be something simple like mental defects due to environmental contamination such as lead in the water, Mercury, or mutagenics that cause abnormal brain function; for some reason, the neuron paths in the brain don’t transmit the messages properly. Who knows? But sociopaths exist in the places you describe and these are mentally defective humans that lack empathy completely. The emotion is just not there; the neuron pathways fail and the result is no conscience. With sociopaths, the first layer of protection is broken, leaving laws and police enforcement as the only protection left. Even normal middle and upper class people can and often do fall into this category. When police are prevented from doing their jobs by politicians, police whose jobs might necessarily include instilling fear as the only available tool, because fear may be the only emotion these people understand (maybe), then there is nothing left to protect the vulnerable from pathological abuse and for them, society has completely failed them, in every way.

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