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Thank God we haven't any human garbage like this here...

Discussion in 'Expat Section' started by barryrio, Apr 25, 2020.

  1. djfinn6230

    djfinn6230 DI Senior Member

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    It is. Some years ago in Miami there was a group of sociopaths who would follow older people driving out of Miami airport in rental cars, easily identified by the license plates that had an X, Y or Z prefix. On the road they would bump into the rental car and take it when it stopped, robbing the tourists. In one incident they robbed some German tourists and after taking their money, they poured gasoline on them and lit them up, just for kicks to watch them burn. At least they stopped issuing the prefixes.

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  2. john boy

    john boy DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster

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    Sorry haven't worked how to quote in this format but here's three replies
    Rye; UK has the most CCTV camera's in Europe ( possibly the most speed camera's too! ) which does without doubt help in the fight against crime.
    Barryrio; Sadly Wallasey has it's own problems especially New Brighton with it's nightime Pubs and Clubs.
    Mark K; Given your age group and Educational background you should be grateful you are in a position to find a Life and employment elsewhere.
    There are many UK citizens who like you, don't like how the Country has deteriated, but are not in a position or age group to find an alternative answer.
    I myself at 70+ continue to pay taxes, also grateful for "free resources" (which I have indirectly paid for by working 51 years )
    Long may you continue to enjoy Good Health and be the kind of people that are useful to society and the economy;;;;; the rest of us should lay down and die? Respectfully JB
    Your Quote;;;If we were in the UK we would be paying a lot of taxes, spending well to put money back into the economy, not claiming benefits, hardly ever using free resources like health care and education for kids. Basically, the kind of people that are useful to society and the economy.;;;;;
  3. Mark K

    Mark K DI Member

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    Mark K; Given your age group and Educational background you should be grateful you are in a position to find a Life and employment elsewhere.

    I am indeed very grateful, but I don't think there was anything in my post to suggest otherwise, nor is it relevant to this thread. Do I detect some sour grapes?

    Long may you continue to enjoy Good Health and be the kind of people that are useful to society and the economy;;;;; the rest of us should lay down and die?

    Again you are reading things that aren't there, and are entirely missing my point. My point was that because of the deterioration of the quality of life in the UK many young people are leaving who, if the situation was better, probably wouldn't. How you can interpret that as a suggestion you should "lay down and die" is beyond me.

    I too wish you good health and hope that chip on your shoulder lightens soon!
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  4. OP

    barryrio DI Member

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    I'm afraid that's simply not the case. Many categories of crime are simply no longer investigated, in many cases even when the identities of the offenders are known due to lack of resources or reluctance by the CPS to proceed due to budgetary constraints. This is something that is well sadly well recognized by the general public and has resulted in confidence in the service reaching an all-time low. Security cameras are useful in the event of a serious incident but are not much use when there's nobody to follow up the offences disclosed.
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    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 28, 2020
  5. Always a Poppy

    Always a Poppy DI Senior Member Restricted Account

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    My reasons for leaving UK were similar, except it took me a few more years to get to this point. Like yourself, I've seen my hard-earned taxes squandered and also see the deteriorating standards of society. My wife and I have a 10 yr old son and it was a big decision to take him away from his comfortable life, his friends and his education standard. He didn't want to come to PH, but after 6 months he now acknowledges the things that we explained to him he can enjoy here that will make him a better young person and a better man, following the example of the local youth and taking him away from the chance of getting hitched up with the kind of youths that carry out acts such as started off this conversation.

    We have all made friends here already in the local community, although not yet in the expat community. Being a bit of an introvert myself, it would have taken me years to make any friend relationships in the UK in a new place (unlike the wife, who seems to attract friends like flies to a cowpat!), so a good choice all round.
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  6. john boy

    john boy DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster

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    Had you phrased it that way in the first place Mark, maybe I would not be eating Sour Grapes ( vinegar )and Chips.......regards JB
  7. Happy Camper

    Happy Camper DI Senior Member Restricted Account Infamous Showcase Reviewer

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    Funny, I have never seen nor heard of a camera stopping any kind of criminal activity happening. Now if a camera can stop a person attacking another person then I'm all for it. Those cameras do only two things. One, makes a person thinking of doing something wrong maybe not doing it, the hardened ones don't care. Two, they aide in a follow-up investigation.
  8. djfinn6230

    djfinn6230 DI Senior Member

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    If a would-be home invader sees a home with several cameras monitoring it, you cannot know whether or not the obvious presence of cameras deterred him just as you cannot ever know the deterrent effect of visible cameras in public places. But it is reasonable to invest in cameras for such deterrence fir the home. Polaris in Dumaguete has been selling “Homeguard” CCTV for a while now; I highly recommend it. A good system with HD, night vision and 24 hour recording. There is also a smartphone app with cloud access letting you monitor from any internet connection in the the world. In our case, we bought the complete system with cameras inside and outside the house; the salesman has contacts with people here who will install the whole thing, wired, for a very reasonable price. The wired version is best IMHO. In my past experience, wireless versions are much too unreliable. So, when the dog wakes you up at night at barking at something at an unusual hour, you can easily check your property on the smartphone; usually it is barking at another dog but at least you can rest easy lol.

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  9. Show Pony

    Show Pony DI Forum Patron Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer

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    You are 100% correct. I bought a 4 camera wireless system from Polaris and it is very disapointing.
    Home Guard advertises "up to 3000 feet". It turns out they communications to the base is basically WIFI (802.1 G/N or whatever). My camera mounted on the gate is only 200 feet from the base and it is flaky even after adding an antenna with 12 dB gain.
    The wireless system does not have Pan/Tilt/Zoom or sound.

    The data storage system is fairly good it will store almost 1 month of continuos recording. The system can be set up to trigger on motion and store only Events.

    An expensive learning lesson. gurr.
  10. Rye83

    Rye83 with pastrami Admin Secured Account Highly Rated Poster SC Connoisseur Veteran Army

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    Police are reactionary. Rarely do (or have they ever) they prevent any crime while it is being committed.

    That's convenient. :rolleyes:

    Just sounds like old people complaining about becoming irrelevant to a society they can no longer comprehend.
    • Funny Funny x 1