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Off-topic Thread

Discussion in 'COVID-19' started by Show Pony, Apr 1, 2020.

  1. you_have_been_removed

    you_have_been_removed DI Forum Adept

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    When you were reading this Book of yours, did you read the part that says "sweet fxxx all happens unless I say so, I am the Creator of EVERYTHING.......On that basis then all these deaths the world over from this CO VID business is all his doing
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  2. Mark K

    Mark K DI Member

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    Why are you always so rude/ aggressive/ confrontational when someone disagrees with you or makes a comment you don't like? It's really rather obnoxious behaviour. Time and again you have done this. Show a bit of respect to other members of this forum.

    Comments such as "idiot" "hide behind your dictionary" "well-below average IQ" etc are childish and unnecessary.

    I thought people are supposed to chill out more when they age.......?
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    Last edited by a moderator: May 11, 2020
  3. Notmyrealname

    Notmyrealname DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer

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    Your comments are normally quite constrained - without being offensive I think that writing too much here can actually be bad for mental health. When I wrote endlessly about face masks I was contradicted time and time again - in the end I gave up refuting and just thought I had said enough for those who wanted to listen. So it seems most comments here will result in some agreeing and some disagreeing - seeming like your efforts are being undermined. I feel it is best to just say what you want to say and not let what the writer may perceive (rightly or wrongly) as negatives from others to undermine the efforts the writer is making.

    But other than that, just have a break for a few days at times - it does the world of good.
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  4. anti_crazy

    anti_crazy DI Forum Adept

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    A little bit of God bashing in here I think. Many people find much comfort in believing in Jesus regardless of hardships. And that is their blessing.
    When I was a kid, I ask all those type questions; if God is good, why so much human suffering? The answer was the next life is the better one, the eternal life. This is just temporary, God is not of this world (even though he created it) this world is the domain of the devil who will always temp man to do evil. When man turns away from God, floods, disease, etc pounds mankind. However, the good have some of their rewards here on earth, but mostly in heaven. Not trying to convince anyone to follow Jesus, just saying these are the answers I was given as a child.
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  5. djfinn6230

    djfinn6230 DI Senior Member

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    • Reported suspected personal attacks or ask for clarification. Do not retaliate in kind.
    Did you look up my birthday? Lol. I actually don’t mind your being so presumptuous as to comment on my age; children are like that. But no, people don’t chill with age unless of course there is no longer a pulse in which case we stop being alive and literally chill out indeed. Even highly chilled (in the metaphoric sense) younger people might be said to be not really alive do to lack of conviction in life.

    Moving on...

    This quote is from the allegedly abused forum member that you so admirably defend. He accused me ad-hominem of being like this (my caps);

    I spent time putting together a serious post and he flippantly disrespected that with some irrelevant information and saying nonsense like that. So who was being offensive for no reason at all?

    Finally, it appears that you are not so concerned about the factual information being discussed here; your concerns are more emotional and that is fine but understand that there is a PM function that you can use to send me a personal message if in fact you are really concerned about solving personal issues and not just grandstanding your virtue.

    The same could apply to other irrelevant grammatical matters such as my paragraph lengths and the like from a certain other member.

    If you have problems with me, either pm me or ignore me but don’t make it a DI issue, using the public forum to virtue signal your emotional high road with respect to how mean you think I am.

    Thanks buddy...

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. Philpots

    Philpots DI Senior Member Restricted Account

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    Even Muslims drink on the quiet where no one can see them.
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  7. Philpots

    Philpots DI Senior Member Restricted Account

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    Well done, at least you paragraphed that one thanks!
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  8. djfinn6230

    djfinn6230 DI Senior Member

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    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    • Funny Funny x 1
    Last edited: May 11, 2020
  9. you_have_been_removed

    you_have_been_removed DI Forum Adept

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    So following that ANALogy, you would have to assume that indeed Santa, Tooth fairy, Easter bunny, Wicked witch of the East, Headless Horse man, Fairies, Ronald McDonald, Banshee, Merlin, all of Marvels Characters, Dracula, Benjamin Button are all still relevant and deserve a mention on every street corner..............GROW UP
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  10. you_have_been_removed

    you_have_been_removed DI Forum Adept

    Trophy Points:
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    My My some people dont take criticism well, must come from being semi-educated fat necks, who spit the dummy
    If you are explaining you are losing
    why do you feel the need to bend to some semi-educated fat neck, triple chins, triple chips on shoulder muppet
    • Funny Funny x 1