I'm not being "so presumptuous" at all. You kind of gave the game away with previous things you have written, such as: "I am a boomer" "As a retired BSEE" "As a so-called elderly" "We over 60 married couple are going out today" "Well since both members in my household are over 65" "Your NY death rate for 45-65 to be same as my "elderly" group" But don't worry about it, forgetting what you said or wrote is also something that comes with age. Have a nice day and chill out
So are you an atheist or agnostic? Nothing wrong with people who believe in God and his Son. We are as grown up, if not more, than many others. Have a great day and yes, God Bless you.
SURE, believing in something that kills at will, demands utter praise or else its the ole fiery end for you, thats your hobby, my grief is that the endless spouting trying to convince rational people that something for which there is not a single shred of proof neither today nor yesterday lends me to believe that all other forms of child phantasm's , can only be entertained by GROWN UP sheep
True. same as with Christians, the degree to which they are following their rules varies greatly. But for all of them it is forbidden, in theory.
Of course, with Catholics alcohol is no problem. The religious alcohol bans were a creation of some religious leaders who frowned upon all forms of enjoyment. You could only have sex to make babies, no drinking booze etc.. Not sure why Muslims ban it, maybe their leader demanded abstinence but the Jews (which led to Christians) never banned booze. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I saw a scientific paper recently where the corona virus was described as airborne because it was detected much further form the emission point than a few meters. It was reported as being carried on what was described as aerosols of infected material and was particularly described as being considerably smaller that droplets. As far asIi stand, in my parlance, its airborne. And the source appeared to be genuine, not the usual run-of-the-mill F.a.k.e. news publications.
I was going to request that you stop verbing nouns, such as congratulating me for”paragraphing” properly () but I did discover later that verbing nouns is a valid colloquial manner of speaking when checking the US Webster dictionary. (New paragraph) Anyway, the opposite in acceptable in the UK, for example referring to an elevator as a “lift”. But I didn’t wanted to get into it so I toileted the response. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
You are certainly correct NOW. When I made my comment the virus was considered aerosol. The virus also lives on some surfaces for a relatively long period. You were ahead of your time.
No, it is over-the-top stalking. My point on the other topic was that success has occurred using other models than the wuhan mitigation version. Cherry picking? No, a person could mention all of them on less than the fingers on one hand. I never mentioned South Korea and Singapore; these are in fact examples of heavily locked down countries. The expat section of Dumaguete Info has a certain bias against people 60+ by a few (but perseverant) minority which I find curious for an expat section, being stalked by at least one or more weirdos who do not like old people. There should be no age bias; it betrays a strange psychology. I will not bother such gifted youth in this forum with postings that give them more ammunition to settle their imbalances and get back at mom and dad or whatever their (his) problems are. Have fun and deal with the pandemic in the Phils as best as everybody can. So long. Thank you.