I remember someone once painting flip flops on his feet to attend something which required footwear to be worn. Anyone remember that?
Hey @danbandanna , How do you expect us to "read and comprehend" your writings if you only use a one word vocabulary? Please explain.
I thought people are just getting a bit odd with each other because of lockdown but then I recalled that only once have I ever sat near a group of expats in a restobar and heard their conversation. Within minutes they were arguing over a movie and one walked off in a huff. It must be an age thing and that is why the under 40s ( ) never get irritated Mr R.
I was initially worried for students about the almost SIX months the schools were to be closed (two of which are usual holidays) - but then I remembered what they do when there and realised it would have minor effect. Btw, anyone home schooling their children?
I actually passed him last week, he was wearing flops and a pink bike helmet. Times are definitely changing...