Did any American with a Philippines bank direct deposit for SSA receive their stimulus check. A guy here with an US direct deposit received his yesterday. I did not receive mine in BDO.
I did NOTHING to encourage that hand-out. It was posted yesterday into my Alaska bank. I will sure use it. Some poor single moms sure could use a little help.
I have noticed it takes about 7 days for foreign money to show up in Philippines bank accounts whereas in the U.S. it may take 3 days for government payments to be posted. I am still waiting for my "handout" checking my U.S. bank after midnight to see if they post it. IRS and NSA know where I since I gave them my banking information. Maybe the fearless leader needed it to buy black paint for the wall Mexico is going to pay for. hahaha shakey aka John
This is the problem with Topic Titles like "Stimulus Check," for us english speaking "Foreigners" Here's me, with the adverts we have been getting on British TV lately since the lockdown, thinking this topic was something to do with "erectile disfunction" Hope the Cheques found their way to you guy's.
Jim, remember when you and I and Steve and Roody started up the charitable Thursday Club 10 yrs ago. I bet the foreigner participation would be more supportive now than it was back then.