Actually, there is no disagreement. I said the risk is very low and you described low in more detail. I agree there should not be a stay at mandate, sucks. I was only stating my own potential high risk. If I had a million dollar life insurance policy, I would ignore the risk unless red flags appeared. Ingat
Yayas are very common here and almost every local household would have one if they could afford it. They are very used to nannies and I have seen very few locals protesting the government intruding into their lives, especially on this Corona stuff. There is an extreme amount of (IMO, unwarranted) fear and people are acting and demanding ridiculous things from their leaders. It's their country and the leadership they have is exactly the leadership they deserve. We can do absolutely nothing about it. But you can't really say that their methods haven't been far superior to the West's in stopping the spread...not that I think it will really matter in the long run.
Agree - the RISK on contracting Covid-19 seems zero as far as we know (assuming people are not being allowed into the Province without quarantine and testing) BUT, as stated here before, the RISK of ill health due to physical and mental deterioration plus the missing of optical, dental and other health testing is relatively quite high - all related to the unnecessary quarantining of those over 59. The potential losses (just on a health aspect) from quarantine are now greater than those from the virus! But it seems okay for the President to travel from Manila to Davao - I know he is intelligent and I assume will be well protected but many other seniors also have brains.
That's assuming that we (DI readers) are 100% non-Philippines citizens. I know for a fact that some of DIs loyal readers and posters are Philippine citizens and voters.
And yet strangely, if there are locals here, they seem to remain quiet on these issues. I've noticed on fb as well that when the Provincial Office issues it's latest (no progress) Covid-19 report, it receives 'love and kisses' all round, with only the occasional clearly western named dissenter. Why is that? Is there an ingrained culture that assumes that everything that comes from those in a 'higher' position must be right? If those figures were issued with no commentary anywhere else they would provoke thousands of questions.
The rule that really needs to be strictly enforced in order to reduce the chance of COVID transmission is the simple "wear a mask (PROPERLY)" anytime you are not on your own property. Enforcement should be expensive and subject to arrest. What people just don't seem to understand is that the mask cannot be a personal decision based on taking the chance of contracting the virus. They are for the safety of everyone else and that fact should disallow a personal decision not to wear it.
That's another subject for discussion. My own very narrow observation is that Filipinos accept what they get and don't complain.