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Discussion in 'Expat Section' started by filmguy, May 19, 2020.

  1. PatO

    PatO DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer Veteran Marines

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    If a father had a serious disease, years later if a son is born, would the child be born immune to that disease or require a vaccination?
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  2. Happy Camper

    Happy Camper DI Senior Member Restricted Account Infamous Showcase Reviewer

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    Was listening to Professor Alan Dershowitz yesterday. Harvard Law Professor, Civil Libertarian and Attorney addressing this. It is his professional opinion that the government can force you to receive the vaccination. He said that a person has no right to become a "Typhoid Mary."

    Like others have indicated, we are living in a country that is near the end of the supply chain. So unless you are planning to travel, it should not have an impact on you.

    But people saying that you can be forced to take it, is really something to consider, especially something put together so hastily. Remember, up till now, I believe the Ebola vaccine was the fastest, and that took 5 years.
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  3. Notmyrealname

    Notmyrealname DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer

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    Good question.

    I assume you are talking about pathogens and not physical diseases caused by other factors.

    A foetus/baby acquires immunity from the mother in two main routes:

    1. From her blood whilst a foetus, where the antibodies and other substances cross the placenta into the foetus via the umbilical cord.
    2. From her milk after the child is born.

    As the male does not carry the foetus or breast feed it, then there is no passing of immunity from father to foetus.

    But it is possible the father might pass on some form of ability to produce an immunity in his genes - but that is a minor consideration.

    The immunity obtained from the mother is not long-lasting and so children require vaccinations.

    Unfortunately, although the father does not provide any immunity to the child he can GIVE diseases to the developing foetus; e.g. as in the case of HIV, causing AIDS. This can also be acquired during birth from the mother.

    As the placenta allows useful materials to pass from mother to child, such as food, oxygen and antibodies, it also allows harmful ones to cross - thus the foetus can be addicted to some illegal drugs by the time it is born or has been affected by the mother smoking or through alcohol use.
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  4. Philpots

    Philpots DI Senior Member Restricted Account

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    Well, if that is true how is that some countries have such a low infection and death rate per capita and those countries got the same information as everyone else but made much better use of it. The someone else just ignored good information until it was too late and thus made the task of turning it around that much harder. Dont blame the WHO. Blame those who at the start ignored the info.
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  5. Philpots

    Philpots DI Senior Member Restricted Account

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    As far as i know, the type of immunity you are referring to does not pass on through the genes like mothers milk can provide better protection to babies that canned milk does.
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  6. Philpots

    Philpots DI Senior Member Restricted Account

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    Here is something I found ............
    How long do babies carry their mother's immunity?
    During the last 3 months of pregnancy, antibodies from the mother are passed to her unborn baby through the placenta.

    This type of immunity is called passive immunity because the baby has been given antibodies rather than making them itself.

    Antibodies are special proteins the immune system produces to help protect the body against bacteria and viruses.

    The amount and type of antibodies passed to the baby depends on the mother's immunity.

    For example, if the mother has had chickenpox, she'll have developed immunity against the condition and some of the chickenpox antibodies will be passed to the baby.

    But if the mother hasn't had chickenpox, the baby won't be protected.

    Immunity in newborn babies is only temporary and starts to decrease after the first few weeks or months.

    Breast milk also contains antibodies, which means that babies who are breastfed have passive immunity for longer.

    The thick yellowish milk (colostrum) produced for the first few days following birth is particularly rich in antibodies.

    Premature babies are at higher risk of developing an illness because their immune systems aren't as strong and they haven't had as many antibodies passed to them.

    As newborn immunity is only temporary, it's important to begin childhood immunisations when your baby is 2 months old. This applies to babies who are either premature or full-term.

    The first immunisation, given when your baby is 2 months old, includes whooping cough and Hib (haemophilus influenza type b) because immunity to these conditions decreases the fastest.

    Passive immunity to measles, mumps and rubella can last for up to a year, which is why the MMR vaccine is given just after your baby's first birthday
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  7. Happy Camper

    Happy Camper DI Senior Member Restricted Account Infamous Showcase Reviewer

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    You wish to ignore the evidence that is your choice. Look at the beginning projections of deaths based on bad info. Thank goodness and God, they did not materialize.
  8. Rye83

    Rye83 with pastrami Admin Secured Account Highly Rated Poster SC Connoisseur Veteran Army

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    There are many different factors that lead to how easily viruses spread. High humidity is one factor that can make it difficult for some viruses to spread...or easier for others. Population densities for obvious reasons. Cultural things, such as how some cultures have actual lips to face greeting norms or, the complete opposite, bowing with no physical contact being made. Then you have things like competent leadership, access to a modern healthcare system, obesity rates, average age of the citizens, levels of trust/distrust in government, etc.

    You could have the exact same rules for dealing with this pandemic in two countries and have completely different rates of infection and mortality due to all these factors. It would be impossible to have one set of rules for the entire world, each country has to take the data available (which was, and to some extent still is, quite limited) and their country's social, economic, environmental and political situation in to consideration to come up with a plan of action which, to make it even more difficult, will be constantly evolving as new and more updated information becomes available.

    It is a very difficult thing to manage even for intelligent leadership. The dumpster fire happening at the Whitehouse had absolutely zero chance of getting it right.
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  9. SkipJack

    SkipJack DI Senior Member

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    I don't know.
    Listing the social and geographical differences is a way for the simple minded to gloss over one's inability to recognize and describe the solution. Even worse, it justifies the failures of the current leadership because it makes the situation look complicated.

    In all countries on earth the public health agencies know this series of solutions. In some countries the leadership failed to support and enhance this process.

    1) Stop it at the borders.
    Isolate and quarantine people arriving from foreign locations. Find funding and begin implementing 2 below. Find funding and begin research and development for 4 and 5 below.

    2) Contact tracing and isolation.
    While continuing (1). When infected people are discovered either through symptoms or testing, trace down all of their contacts and ask or require them to isolate themselves.

    3) Social distancing and lock downs. While doing 1 & 2 above. (This is the expensive part and can be avoided if 1&2 above are implemented well.)

    4) 8 Mos + Implement treatments started in (1) above.

    5) 12 - 18 Mos + Implement a vaccine started in (1) above.

    The US and UK leadership failed to adequately implement 1 & 2 above. As a result the virus spread and caused enormous economic losses because of how severely (3) had to be implemented.

    We watched this process play out successfully in other countries like Taiwan, South Korea, Slovenia, Germany, New Zealand and here on Negros. (The MonkeyMan was correct to choose Negros.)

    Your argument that this is complicated makes the failure of the leadership more palatable. It justifies their ignorance. The dumpster fire in the white house is more stupid than you think.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  10. Happy Camper

    Happy Camper DI Senior Member Restricted Account Infamous Showcase Reviewer

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    I wish you would have shared this wisdom with everyone back on January 1 or 15, then all of this could have been avoided.
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