I had a fairly successful career; still, if I had a choice to do what I wish I could have been (no experience necessary), I would like to have been an NFL (American pro football) coach or at least an offensive coordinator. The challenge, good pay, first class travel, chicks the players turn away.
I am retired so to fantasize about what alternative life choice I would have made is to only contribute to this thread (BTW ........... I think this is a great thread, just saying) - I would have loved to have simplified all .... by just being a surfing instructor living in Hawaii.... owning a small plot with a native hut ripping around in a 1978 silver anniversary Corvette and spanking the Monkey with gorgeous Chick Tourists 3 times a day minimum.
I saw a few references on the Forum about "Monkey Man" but am not sure if they refer to me. However, if so, this is the first reference where someone wanted to spank me. But, hey, I am open-minded and try to please people ... so whatever turns you on Mr Crystalhead (hmm, that could be painful).
lol....... I knew as I was posting the comment that you were going to hit me with a comeback. But than I realized Orangutans are (Ape) not Monkey. (still funny though)
I am curious, and I have to ask.......either this forum has reached new depths or you misunderstand the meaning of something you wrote. You do realise that "spanking the monkey" refers to masturbation? You certainly wouldn't need gorgeous chick tourists to do that.......
Actually Mr C (note the familiarity creeping in) we apes are moneys, as much as it hurts us to admit it: "Monkeys, including apes, can be distinguished from other primates by having only two pectoral nipples, a pendulous penis, and a lack of sensory whiskers". I scored 3 out of 3 on that! Yipee! I know this because I took my degree in not-knowing-anything-but-being-able-to-copy-it-and-put-it-on-a-forum-with-a-sense-of-authority. But then to my horror I found out that there are many others (some on this Forum, but not you) who must have done the same degree. I would chat with them about some of the things they write but as none of us know anything, I now consider it pointless.
Don't look at me. I'm not that one that declared to the world that my alternative career wish involves "shaking hands with the milkman"/ bopping the one eyed weasel thrice a day