was at the main public market this morning, all the eateries are open and doing business, all customers are sitting down and doing there thing, then you have to ask who owns them, no small fry owns them you can be sure, it seems only certain people are allowed to lose money in this epidemic, 8 weeks is it now, trying to secure passes, avoiding the crowds, trying to do your little bit, to get back to some breed of normalcy and just when it was getting a little brighter, WHAM, all we have to show for it is empty pockets and greyer hairs, everything that was gained has been lost, you just know with all this bullshxx talk from the higher powers, blaming him and her and them and you, with every passing day these clowns are just showing us they are and never were up to the job at hand, and that was pre-virus
My main complaint with the GCQ is the lumping of under-21 with the elderly. Given the lack of border control and new cases here, I agree with the potential risk to my health and thus should stay at home (for most of the time). I can’t see why my boy, wearing a mask, can not go to the mall with my wife or ride his bike outside for exercise, given no soccer. Not good for growth and health if he stays in the house. My opinion is the government wants to keep the age 13-20 off the streets and malls, for many reasons. Hopefully, it will be safe to restart school in August.
50 or 60 youths (under 20) are wondering up and down the beach every morning in front of my house. No distancing, no masks, just giggling and laughing. I am 65 and stuck in the house..This is pretty typical here, rules made but no enforcement and the only people "mainly" following the rules are the foreigners. IMHO
More than a few kanos also appear to be exempt from the mask requirement up here in Valencia of late!
I can understand that, am seeing locals without masks too. If you are out walking and no one is within 20 meters of you, what is the purpose? As long as you have one available to be put on when necessary. Sometimes it appears to be nothing but a righteous issue, look at me, I'm complying, wait no one is around to see me. Dang It!
Ring-a-ring o' roses, A pocket full of posies, A-tishoo! A-tishoo! We all fall down. The great plague.
I only wear mine in the town center and in crowded areas. When I walk around Valencia I am generally not within 5-10 meters of anyone. When I come across someone while walking I generally move over to the other side of the road to maintain a minimum 2 meter gap. I see plenty of locals walking around without a mask as well. It isn't just foreigners.
Just saw a good one while watching the news. They are showing pictures of people going into a Cathedral that has opened on a limited basis. Explaining the process of how they step in the mat for the shoes, get the hand spray and then get a temp reading. That was the one that got me, the temp reading. They were showing a little old lady, all alone. Went through everything and then the temp reading. It read, drum role please, 31.3 and they told her to go ahead. It was on live camera, can't make it up. 31.3, she should be in the hospital. It isn't More Fun in the Philippines, it is You Have to See it to Believe it.
I quite agree - a lot of the locals dont bother. But their behavior isn't scrutinised the way ours appears to be here lol!