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‘Foreigners allowed to enter PH in Aug’

Discussion in 'COVID-19' started by Notmyrealname, Jul 18, 2020.

  1. Notmyrealname

    Notmyrealname DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer

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    A few points from the article (with my comments/queries in squared brackets):

    * Foreigners traveling to the Philippines must have valid and existing visas. [So no chance to enter on a new visa].
    * They are likewise subject to the maximum capacity of inbound passengers at the port and date of entry, as returning overseas Filipinos will be given priority. [Fair enough, their country - but will foreigners be told in advance of arrival? Hope so!]
    * Foreign nationals must also secure a pre-booked accredited quarantine facility and a pre-booked Covid-19 testing provider. [Will this apply to Filipinos?]
    * This came a week after the government eased travel restrictions for Filipinos, allowing them to travel abroad even for tourism-related trips. [So am I correct in assuming a potential carrier for Covid-19 (which means ANY human) can go to an infected area of the world and return (with quarantine or not?) as long as that person is Filipino?]
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  2. Happy Camper

    Happy Camper DI Senior Member Restricted Account Infamous Showcase Reviewer

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    Not only no travel for those with 'new' visas, the visa allowed for travel must be long term, not visa on entry or those with short term need to renew. Look for Residents and SSRV to be allowed as with those married and have balikbayan.

    This will be the outbound portion, not the arrival. OFW's and other Filipinos, get first crack at departures destined for the Philippines, if there is room, the foreigners will be allowed.
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  3. NowandThen

    NowandThen DI Forum Adept Restricted Account

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    Bad news for me. Looks I will be stuck in Europe for some more months. Years ?

    Gesendet von meinem SM-N950F mit Tapatalk
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  4. mntnwolf

    mntnwolf DI Member

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    > Foreign nationals must also secure a pre-booked accredited quarantine facility
    Would that person's own house in NegOr qualify? Assuming a private bedroom & bathroom?
    > and a pre-booked Covid-19 testing provider.
    Like, the Covid clinic of a Dumaguete hospital....?
  5. Show Pony

    Show Pony DI Forum Patron Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer

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    My neighbor (in Dauin) quarantined at home. They had the whole house to themselves.
    He needed authorization from the Dauin Health Dept which involved an inspection of his home prior to issuing permission.
    The place to start would be having someone go to your local LGU and they can advise you. The LGU actually sent someone to the airport to pick them up.
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  6. RDLC-31K

    RDLC-31K DI Junior Member

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    Title topic gave me some hope...for a few minutes only :(
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  7. OP

    Notmyrealname DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer

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    At least I gave you a few seconds of pleasure - just as I do for my wife. :smile:
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  8. OP

    Notmyrealname DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer

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    But would those not be classed as "new" visas and not "existing" ones (which is what the rules say)? A 'visa on entry' must be new by definition and 'a renewal' means the old one is officially 'expired'.

    But the article I quoted said exactly the words "They are likewise subject to the maximum capacity of inbound passengers at the port" - using the term "inbound". I assumed they wanted to handle only a certain number of incomers at any one time (sensible idea) and that priority will be given to their own citizens.
  9. Rye83

    Rye83 with pastrami Admin Secured Account Highly Rated Poster SC Connoisseur Veteran Army

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    This may not rule out tourists as you can obtain a tourist visa prior to arrival from the Philippines embassy.
    Last edited: Jul 19, 2020
  10. Dutchie

    Dutchie DI Senior Member Showcase Reviewer Veteran Army

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    Please be careful when you make travel plans, and make sure you are eligible to enter the Philippines on arrival.
    Newspaper articles may not be the best source for such information.
    The Dutch embassy in Manila sent me an email yesterday detailing the new rules:

    Op 16 juli heeft de overheid aangekondigd dat per 1 augustus de regels voor toegang tot de Filipijnen aangepast zullen worden. Vanaf 1 augustus mogen naast mensen met de Filipijnse nationaliteit, hun buitenlandse partners en kinderen en houders van een diplomatiek visum ook mensen met een lange termijn immigratievisum het land binnen.

    Dit houdt in dat houders van een immigratievisum ook weer het land in mogen. Immigratievisums vallen onder sectie 13 van de Filipijnse visum code (en worden aangeduid als 13A t/m 13G). Ook mensen met een RA7919 en EO324 visum worden gezien als immigranten.

    Helaas vallen non-immigrant visums niet onder de versoepeling die op 1 augustus in gaat. Non-immigrant visums vallen onder sectie 9 van de Filipijnse visum code (het gaat hier om visum types 9A t/m 9D, 9F en 9G; houders van een 9E visum mogen wel het land in). Ook vallen speciale visums zoals SVEG, SIRV, SNIV, SEVOBU, SRRV en 47a2 visums niet onder de versoepeling.

    Voor reizigers die voor zaken in de Filipijnen moeten zijn of als non-immigrant in de Filipijnen verblijven, is het mogelijk om op basis van uitzondering toegang te krijgen tot de Filipijnen. Deze toegang moet worden aangevraagd via het voor de sector verantwoordelijke departement of overheidsorganisatie. Voor de meeste bedrijven is dit het Department of Trade and Industry (DTI). De aanvraag moet worden ingediend bij DTI, of voor de sector relevante overheidsinstelling, door de werkgever of het uitnodigende Filipijnse bedrijf of organisatie.

    De ambassade blijft zich, gezamenlijk met de EU en andere ambassades, inzetten om de toegang tot de Filipijnen weer mogelijk te maken zodat ook houders van andere type visums weer het land in kunnen komen.

    Nederlandse Ambassade Manilla


    On July 16, the government announced that from August 1, rules for access to the Philippines will be adjusted. From August 1, aside from people with Philippine nationality, their foreign partners and children and holders of a diplomatic visa, others will also be allowed to enter the country with a long-term immigration visa.

    This means that holders of an immigration visa can also return to the country. Immigration visas are subject to section 13 of the Philippine Visa Code (and are designated as 13A through 13G). People with a RA7919 and EO324 visa are also seen as immigrants.

    Unfortunately, non-immigrant visas are not covered by the easing that will take effect on August 1. Non-immigrant visas are subject to section 9 of the Philippine Visa Code (this concerns visa types 9A to 9D, 9F and 9G; holders of a 9E visa are allowed to enter the country). Also, special visas such as SVEG, SIRV, SNIV, SEVOBU, SRRV and 47a2 visas are not covered by the relaxation.

    For travelers who need to be in the Philippines on business or who reside in the Philippines as a non-immigrant, it is possible to access the Philippines on an exceptional basis. This access must be requested through the department or government organization responsible for the sector. For most companies, this is the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI). The application must be made to DTI, or industry relevant government agency, by the employer or the inviting Philippine company or organization.

    The embassy remains committed, together with the EU and other embassies, to restore access to the Philippines so that holders of other visa types can also return to the country.

    Dutch Embassy Manila

    My take from this:
    1. If married to a Filipina: better make sure you have your 13a visa before traveling out of the country. The "1 year balikbayan stamp" probably won't work.
    2. SRRV: no
    3. Any tourist type visa: no way
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    Last edited: Jul 19, 2020