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GCQ Philippines Update Today

Discussion in 'COVID-19' started by PatO, Jun 30, 2020.

  1. Happy Camper

    Happy Camper DI Senior Member Restricted Account Infamous Showcase Reviewer

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    Cool Hand Luke, and it was the Warden that made the statement, "What we have here is a failure to communicate." Got to put in that southern twang to make it authentic.
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  2. djfinn6230

    djfinn6230 DI Senior Member

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    You are correct! It was the warden.

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  3. djfinn6230

    djfinn6230 DI Senior Member

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    There have already been some responses, including by me. Today I may have some better news (not sure). There is here, in Dumaguete, a Filipina blogger "My Filipina Pea" or something close to that. She recently released a video, recently enough that it would still apply to current conditions. In it she interviews an attorney who specializes in immigration matters and your situation was briefly addressed in the video:

    It looks like, under current conditions you can get a BI extension to your three year limit. There is a process for that but the cost is about 25,000 php plus additional costs depending on how long you need to extend (which you do not know because you do not know when they will issue airport visas for tourists and you other problem which is passport renewals). At least you could extend. Some commenters seem to be familiar with the attorney (named "Gracie") and mention that her costs are reasonable. I do not recommend her of course as I have no experience with her or the process but it seems you have have an option. Anyway, it wouldn't hurt to check out the video (made in Dumaguete so local conditions are addressed) and you could surely get contact information for the attorney by PM'ing the vlogger. Again, best of luck!
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  4. djfinn6230

    djfinn6230 DI Senior Member

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    Edit: To save time, skip over to 14:06 - 15:42 for the brief discussion on the topic of concern.
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  5. Obliged Friend

    Obliged Friend DI Forum Adept Veteran Army

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    My visa expires 22 November 2020....US passport expires 8 July 2021. Does the 6 month passport expiration date apply on the beginning date of the next extension or the ending date. I arrived in the Philippines on 24 November 2019. Can I apply for another 6 month extension?
  6. hiddenuser

    hiddenuser Guest Guest User

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    i am a bit confused. if you arrived 24 november last year when is the expiration date of your current visa? your current visa is a six month? i believe it is correct that you can apply for another six month now if your passport is still good for one year but if not then apply for two months and get your passport renewed. i have heard covid has muddled the response times and conditions of US passport renewal but not sure of that info. maybe someone else here has a better handle on that than me. your visa renewal can be made as far as two weeks ahead of the expiration date of your current one and the start date of your new one begins with the expiration of your old one. but if i am wrong please do not sue me. i am an old man and while i try hard to do everything right, nothing works as well as it used to. i just got mine renewed friday and will pick up monday (tomorrow) so six month extensions are still on the menu.
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  7. djfinn6230

    djfinn6230 DI Senior Member

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    The way I understand it, yes you can apply for a 6 month visa up to the 6 month date of expiration of passport. But you could not apply for a 3 month or even 1 month airport arrival visa on 59 days and 23hrs 59 mins from passport expiration date. There are some stories about that about travelers getting sent home because flight was delayed. Seems stupid but rules are rules, (no exceptions In immigrant matters). Most countries follow that same six month rule in my experience as a casual traveler.

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  8. JoyDelicacies

    JoyDelicacies DI Member

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    I just got this from the US Embassy. Monday, July 27, 2020
    Event: Consular Services and Travel Update

    1. PASSPORTS. The U.S. Embassy in Manila is now accepting DS-82 U.S. Passport Renewal Application for Eligible Individuals by mail only. At this time, we are only accepting the DS-82 application. We can only accept applications by mail with accompanying bank draft.

    If you have questions you could visit the Embassy page about passport renewal.
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  9. djfinn6230

    djfinn6230 DI Senior Member

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    Thank you for the good information. They are back to passport by mail. Good news.


    Start a DS-82 now if your previous passport:

    Is in your possession and is undamaged.

    Was issued when you were aged 16 or older.

    Has few blank passport pages remaining.

    Will expire soon or has expired in the last 5 years.

    Was issued 1+ years ago and you have since legally changed your name.

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  10. vox212

    vox212 DI Junior Member

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    Thank you!
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