Burying coins in the centre of the area where you intend to build a house. Always leave coins in unused handbags. Some coins must be kept in a cupboard inside the house. Flying witches do land on the top of houses. My wife has heard them! Using ointment obtained from special old ladies, use it under a certain tree then bury it there for the problem you bought it for can go away.
Who needs money when you got cures like burying stuff under a certain tree to cure a bad ear infection?
well my asawa believes in most of this tho "malong" for her is just another name for any of her brothers. my belief is that catholicism is just a new coat of paint on a very old house that i personally do not want to enter. i respect what she believes regardless of my own feelings about it. early on she self described as half muslim and half catholic representing her parents different positions on "god". i initially thought to explain to her that she could not do that and then quickly decided she could if she wanted to. for all of us it is "faith" after all. i too have been to the abrolayro(?) twice with predictable results. perhaps if i was a believer it would be different outcome??
If 'God' is a six-sided box and each side is a different colour/texture (etc) then 6 people, each looking at different sides, would have 6 different descriptions of 'God'.
remember the Indian parable where a group of blind men describe an elephant based on what each is touching and feeling with their hands. i read there are almost forty thousand different christian churches depending i guess on how finely you want to define their theology. i can imagine my asawa's beliefs combining mysticsm, islam and christianity to unique in this world. i personally feel we all worship the same god and its all ok with me as long as i am left alone to believe as i choose.
Absolutely agree Shabbynomad. I would never try to stop my wife or my kids from believing what they have been taught over the meliniums to believe. I would much rather believe the witches are making the noise on the roof on their way to Siquijor that the chooks crapping everywhere.
I agree with you about the freedom to think, but in my family I try to input some realism about the world as it is today and the scientific evidence for manifestations such as ghosts and the risks of amateurs within healthcare. One area I find difficult to change thinking on is the labels on products - just this morning I saw my wife eating a "Slimline" cereal with "30% less calories" which she recently bought, but the calories are exactly the same as my 'ordinary cereal' and the 30% claim has no reference as to the comparison. I am guessing maybe the cereal was made initially with high calories, then reduced - then by adding "Slimline" they sell a product for a high price. Same as so many products directed at the gullible. But try telling people!
Believing in something is good for you! Whether that's a product or God, relies on how much you wish solve whatever is troubling you.