Went to Thalatta Resort for lunch today. The restaurant was full - every seat at every table. The pool was also full. No social distancing whatsoever. Later, tried to find somewhere to have a swim. Ocean 24 - you could see it was completely crowded without even going in. Pigeon Resort - likewise. Hundreds of people, no distancing, no masks. And don't get me started on Forest Camp. Weren't there supposed to be some rules about capacity in force at the moment? You know, like, restaurants can only fill half the tables or something? I guess this is what happens when owners get greedy for profit at the expense of their customers' safety, and there's no enforcement. I know there was a brownout so everyone wanted to cool off, but when did the population get so cavalier with their own health and safety? Do they actually want to catch COVID?
i drove the sibulan coast rd from sibulan proper to the airport about 10 sunday morning and it was party time all the way; masks, distancing. meh... makes me wonder if the covid exists in these parts.
It doesn't really, all of our current cases are imports. As long as they are quarantined then no fear, but that is the question? Are they effectively quarantined? Incubation what, 3 to 14 days? I guess we will find out soon enough. Praying for the best.
They stopped asking for passes at the markets too. This strikes a good balance between the need to implement controls and the freedom of the people. So far the local community leaders have accomplished training everyone for strict procedures in case there is community spread. Passes, etc. (It took two attempts to get the passes figured out.) In the meantime there is no community spread so the local leadership pulls back on enforcement. The local leadership does not have the authority to change the quarantine level so they just relax enforcement. This way if covid begins to spread they can deploy the road blocks, enforce the passes and get everyone to follow the procedures more strictly in a very short period of time.
People's attitudes change over time, get more relaxed, no corona 19 here, or we don't see or know anyone who is infected. Cancel fiesta in Bacong haha, try to tell people don't make kids anymore, would be the same. I see the kagawad go to the beach and try to enforce the rules, the reaction is people laugh or get angry at him, then yesterday the police show up, no one laugh or get angry. I use my common sense and take it seriously when I'm at public places, but I also get more relaxed, I don't know if we can go swimming or fishing, but I think so because no one stops me and I feel very safe when I'm alone at the sea or together with friends I meet as we did before corona 19 but again, I use mask always bring alcohol when I'm around, sometimes even more than one kind of it
I was i Lee plaza grocery checkout queue the other day and i could feel that someone was close behind me, when i turned around there was a woman so close i almost rubbed against her, when i looked straight at her she immediately reversed 2 paces and said sori sori. At least she realised what she was doing wrong.
The more data we gather the less scary this disease becomes...at least for those of us that aren't in high risk categories. People are reacting accordingly since most of us don't fall into these categories (the elderly and sick). If you are in one of these high risk categories (or unsure if you fall into one of them) then you shouldn't be going out. You shouldn't even know if restaurants are packed or not. https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/nvss/vsrr/covid_weekly/index.htm#AgeAndSex