What I see is, the majority of people in the packed resort and restaurants are elderly, I'm not a doctor can't say if people are sick or not, but if you look at the way people move or how they talk you may get a suspicion that some are in the high risk group, I think only at the physical part the rest I will leave uncommented
Seems that many want the young and healthy to stay indoors so they can go out and enjoy themselves. Their (the elderly) fragility, sicknesses and disabilities should not be our (people in the low risk category) burden to bear. Sure, everyone should take the basic precautions - social distancing, masks and hand washing - but that is where it should end.
The under 21 group shouldn't be restricted since there is next to zero chance of dying from COVID-19 for them. But I don't really care where anyone goes, just as I don't care where people with full blown AIDS or anyone else with a weakened immune systems goes. If they catch something that is their problem, not mine. Their disability/misfortune, their problem. If someone lives with a high risk person then perhaps they should take extra precautions to protect their loved ones or employer, or not, I don't care, not my problem. If you have elderly parents or grandparents that live alone maybe help them out, or not, I don't care, not my problem. If an elderly person lives alone and has no family to assist them try asking the government, a church or a fraternity group for support, or not, I don't care, not my problem.
Following on from Rye's eloquent "I don't care" post, I am getting the distinct feeling that's it's got to the stage now where the vast majority also "don't care". How many deaths have their actually been in Negros Oriental in the last 6 months from covid? I don't follow it closely. Have there been any? Today was my first day back teaching with full face to face classes. Chatting to people I quickly realised: Students: They don't care. Parents of students: They don't care Teachers: They don't care Wearing masks where one won't get fined: Nobody cares Social distancing unless it is monitored: Nobody cares Curfew: Nobody cares Checkpoints: Nobody cares As for me, I really don't care!
4 since the beginning. Less than 140 total cases in the entire Province. Might describe the "I Don't Care", especially since almost all of them have been imported, LSIs and OFWs.
Thank you for the info. I wonder how many road/ traffic deaths there have been in the province during the same period......