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Hospitals in Dumaguete

Discussion in 'Expat Section' started by Ozzyguy, Jan 8, 2020.

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  1. Glendazumba

    Glendazumba DI Forum Adept

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    Of course, when there's an infection there's usually fever and that's when you need antibiotics which only a doctor can prescribe. But if it is something that can be fixed with vitamins or food, then there is no need to go to the hospital. Fever is the ultimate give-away. It usually signals an infection, thus, antibiotics. I'd been a mother for many years so I know a bit of this doctoring thing. LOL
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  2. djfinn6230

    djfinn6230 DI Senior Member

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    I can remember the times here when you did not need a prescription for antibiotics. Somebody must have gotten smart and changed that, perhaps realizing the worldwide crisis of “superbugs” becoming immune to common antibiotics due to misuse. It might have been ok to allow pharmacist prescriptions in addition to doctor prescriptions. In the old days you could just go to the pharmacy and tell them how many tabs and what strength amoxicillin (for example) that you wanted. OK if you knew what you were doing. Too many apparently didn’t.

    I wanted to add, virus infections apparently can cause fever, correct? Like common flu, covid, dengue, malaria and the like? And those fevers induced by bacterial are not helped by antibiotics, correct?

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  3. Glendazumba

    Glendazumba DI Forum Adept

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    I think there are specific antibiotics for bacterial infections---it's VIRAL FEVER that has no medicine as it stays only for 3 days and goes away supposedly. Yeah, you are right about needing no doctor's prescriptions back in the day. I used to buy antibiotics directly as doctors usually use the same brand every time. It is different now 'coz pharmacists always ask for a prescription-----tsk--tsk--tsk---is it part of the money-making scheme of pharmacists and physicians?
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  4. Notmyrealname

    Notmyrealname DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer

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    I don't think being a mother is a medical qualification and I am not sure it is necessary to end a reply with LOL.

    Unfortunately you know how to produce children but have very little knowledge of medicine - you wrote "when there's an infection there's usually fever and that's when you need antibiotics" and that is nonsense. Viral infections also cause fevers but do not respond to antibiotics - doctors' waiting rooms are crowded with people seeking antibiotics when they are not only of NO use but are actually harmful (being a mother you probably know about antibiotic resistance due to over use).

    You also state that "But if it is something that can be fixed with vitamins or food, then there is no need to go to the hospital." That is another piece of nonsense. Tell me which illnesses can be fixed with food - I won't dispute vitamins (PART of food, incidentally) because, like religion, it is a belief in many cases.

    You seem a nice person but I cannot allow such totally inaccurate information being put out there without correction by someone, who although he fails to have children, has a fair degree of medical knowledge by training and experience.
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  5. Notmyrealname

    Notmyrealname DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer

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    You have confirmed your total lack of medical knowledge by writing "I think there are specific antibiotics for bacterial infection". I think??? If you are not aware of antibiotics used for treatment of bacterial and fungal diseases then you should not class yourself as an authority on the subject, based solely on mother hood. And definitely should not be giving advice to others. You also wrote "it's VIRAL FEVER that has no medicine as it stays only for 3 days and goes away supposedly" What is this "VIRAL FEVER" that has no medicine and goes away in three days"? Source please.

    I am afraid you are writing nonsense here.
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  6. djfinn6230

    djfinn6230 DI Senior Member

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    Thanks for your thoughtful response to my questions and my opinion is that, although doctors do make more money when the government requires prescriptions, the good part is that these antibiotics will not be abused as much. There are only so many formulations and the diseases are evolving to survive the treatments when people discontinue using them too early. My only original thought on this was that the same ends could be accomplished by enlisting the pharmacists into the process and allowing them to write antibiotics prescriptions as well. Maybe that will happen.

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  7. hiddenuser

    hiddenuser Guest Guest User

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    so this is an area deserving our attention;

    1) studies show generally that roughly 85 percent of patients who go to a GP/FP doctor will get well regardless of the visit. doctors are trained to look for that other 15 percent that need their intervention. symptoms lasting "over a year" or involving "fullness of the throat" certainly warrant a qualified doctors opinion.
    2) antibiotics are misused all over the world. more than 70 percent of all antibiotics are used in animal husbandry as a prophylactic, typically in animal feed (for fish farm food in the phils). this use contributes to development of bacterial resistance all over the world to antibiotics including many used for tx of humans.
    3) many countries still do not control antibiotic use, notable southern european countries. the phils technically do but its no problem still to find them over the counter here. if nothing else there are plenty of doctors here who will write you a prescription for any legal drug for the price of a 4 to 6 dollar office call.
    4) as a septuagenarian, my cynicism is virtually complete. follow the money! every doctor and pharmacist and nurse and hospital administrator has a mortgage, kids in college and/or shareholders to take care of. i have no doubt many requirements in civilized countries has a financial incentive for someone in the loop.

    mothers should still take care of their kids with salt water gargle for new symptoms if they think that is what is needed. people with long term symptoms which are getting worse should see a doctor.
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  8. Notmyrealname

    Notmyrealname DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer

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    Thanks for adding some real knowledge. But I think there are times when even acute (very short-term) illnesses need medical attention - an acute rash, for example, could be a simple skin irritation BUT also could be meningitis (putting the patient AND all contacts at risk). The speed of some infections (plus physical problems such as heart attacks) can be very rapid - I read of a case where a man kissed his apparently healthy wife goodbye and went to work in the morning, returned at lunchtime and found her dead. She has an infection due to Staph aureus and it took a very short time from onset to death.

    I accept we all try some home remedies for what appear to be very simple problems - but sometimes we can be getting it wrong. It is interesting that most of us who take the car into the garage when we hear an unusual sound, fail to take ourselves to the doctor when we notice an equivalent difference in our own body.
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  9. Happy Camper

    Happy Camper DI Senior Member Restricted Account Infamous Showcase Reviewer

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    Ever try arguing with a Filipina mother about what is wrong with a child, you or herself or the best cure? I have asked mine several times where her Medical Degree is so we can put up the shingle.

    Most times a discussion you will never win.
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  10. Notmyrealname

    Notmyrealname DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer

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    If I thought there was a serious illness then I would not argue - just take the child to hospital. It is like all these phone numbers they have in many countries, where they mostly try to stop you using emergency services - in what I think might be an urgent case I just don't phone anyone but go direct to ER.
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