Okay, I dramatised the headline! Most members are not gullible - but often the gullible don't know they are gullible! So PLEASE ignore the postings here and elsewhere describing preventions and cures for Covid-19. This pandemic is so serious to the World economy that as soon as something is PROVED to work, we will know about it. There is NO magic bullet. Until then, wear a mask, keep your distance, stay as healthy as you can be. Trying any of these 'remedies' might put you at risk due to complacency or actually damage your own body. They might even make you more vulnerable to this virus! Wait until the top scientists tell us what the solution is - don't listen to those who know as much about this as I do about chatting up women!
If the world had someone that knew as much about viral cures as you do about going off topic this pandemic would have been over a few hours after the first person was infected.
Just a thought here, are they really looking for a cure for something not totally understood or are they or should they be looking for a means to stop it happening as with the Flu jab? I mean the Flu jab is not there to Cure Flu but aid the immune system to help fight off the virus is it not?
Quackery killed Steve Jobs, one of the founders of Apple Computer. " the Apple mastermind eventually came to regret the decision he had made years earlier to reject potentially life-saving surgery in favor of alternative treatments like acupuncture, dietary supplements and juices. " https://www.forbes.com/sites/aliceg...e-jobs-cancer-treatment-regrets/#d2283f17d2e9 https://www.adelaidenow.com.au/news...t/news-story/2732294ecda461c958c9c80577691a9a
From what I have read, the best the flu shot does is prevent between 35 - 55% of the cases. I guess that is better than nothing, but this flu virus is very contagious and that is what makes it so different, in my opinion.
Ah - but in this case mine was the first posting. Can you go off-topic when you started the topic - is this another shift in physics paradigms? (Yes, I don't know that means either). Now why do 8 members (to date and including me) find your posting so funny? Could there even be some truth in it? And WHO was the first person infected - unless you provide a name and SOURCE then you have now gone off-topic. See, it's so easy. Talking about 'sources', I like Heinz Ketchup. What do others think?
Yes, but that is what vaccines do - they stimulate the immune system by (using viruses as an example) introducing a dead version, a weakened version, a similar version or just a part of the virus (the coat being the safest as it has no nucleic acid),
The main aim has to be to induce an 'artificial' immune response to stop the real virus taking hold within the body. In the absence of that (i.e. there is no vaccine and they take a long time to test effectively) they have to seek a chemical (assuming we eliminate using candles, spells, pigs balls, etc) which can do the same (to a lesser degree) or can mitigate the effects on the body. The best route is to test known medicines for efficacy and then look for new ones (or, better still, do both concurrently). ON TOPIC?