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Consequences for APOR 191

Discussion in 'COVID-19' started by SkipJack, Oct 20, 2020.

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  1. jim787

    jim787 DI Senior Member

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    This is the belated "first wave". The key is "community transmission". Up to now, almost all cases were identifiable as individuals or couples coming from infected areas outside the province. Now we had a larger party of spreaders arriving together and fanning out up and down the island. This was enough to fire it up and out of control. As hateful as it is, only stringent measures now can bring it down.

    On All Hallow's Eve we watched Nosferatu, the Klaus Kinski version of Count Dracula. From the mountains separating Europe from the Asian steppe, he brings the Black Death. We marveled at the parallel between Dracula, spreading his rat-filled coffins around the city, with the proud attorney (chosen by god, from among hundreds of thousands, to survive) and his companions rapidly diffusing around the province.
    Last edited: Nov 3, 2020
  2. Notmyrealname

    Notmyrealname DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer

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    The human race is poles apart on Covid-19 (and many other things) but you quoted just the one perspective. Others would argue the opposite; i.e. it is real and serious.

    There are probably hundreds of versions of what could be done to defeat this virus but (and others have written about this recently on this Forum) they should look at what has so far worked best and try to model those strategies to each country.
  3. Always a Poppy

    Always a Poppy DI Senior Member Restricted Account

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    If you read into my post carefully, you'll note that I don't have a version. I have no idea what the end game will be and frankly, neither does anyone else, despite all the hot air that's being expelled about it. Opinions are just that, all theory at this point.
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  4. Toto

    Toto DI Senior Member

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    Do a little research on the folks presented as eminent scientists and health experts because it appears you just accepted that. I won't watch videos unless they come from a good reputable source because there are a lot of crackpots that present themselves as experts that are not, and some have nice sounding degrees that are actually a six month course on nutrition. :smile: It definitely isn't a flu yet, though it may devolve into one, but that might take a couple of years. in the meantime I'm just happy it isn't killing kids.
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  5. Philpots

    Philpots DI Senior Member Restricted Account

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    Washington Post September I believe
    As the United States’ covid-19 death toll moves relentlessly beyond 200,000, data shows that only about 100 children and teenagers have died of the disease, a fatality rate that is drawing wonder from clinicians and increasing interest among researchers hoping to understand why.

    Covid-19 has become the nation’s third-leading cause of death this year, but 18 states had not seen a single fatality among people under 20 as of Sept. 10, according to statistics compiled by the American Academy of Pediatrics and the Children’s Hospital Association.

    But other articles show a worsening state in Indonesia for example and when a contributing factors are introduced such as lack of food, medical treatment etc due to the virus figures are worse for the kids.
  6. Toto

    Toto DI Senior Member

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    Yes, we get vague blurbs sometimes, but they never seem to come to significance, at least for ROW. Brazil was touted to have more deaths in 30 -40, but the stats I did find didn't show it. As long as kids aren't being killed, the population seems to excuse old people dying. One economics article showed the calcs for how much a reduction in death was worth, but just stated old people were valued at 25% less. So they even quantify it, but I'm glad it isn't 50% less, as I'm old now. :smile:
  7. Notmyrealname

    Notmyrealname DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer

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    Obviously you read a lot on Covid, but what do you mean?
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  8. Happy Camper

    Happy Camper DI Senior Member Restricted Account Infamous Showcase Reviewer

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    Good news for Dumaguete is we have lowered our total count by a few. Figuring those who are positive have been confined and will stay so until they are cleared medically.

    Some other areas are increasing and may need to be isolated all together, don't want them coming here and starting this thing up all over again.

    Haven't changed lifestyle yet, we went out to eat today and did our errands.
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  9. Toto

    Toto DI Senior Member

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    Well, there are a wide ranging amount of symptoms that just aren't part of the flu spectrum. If covid breaks the lung wall it seems to be able to go anywhere. Brain, heart, arteries, nerves, blood thickening - I know I'm missing some. Also. it seems to turn part of the lungs into glass, or maybe crystalize it, the body doesn't seem to repair those areas. The body repairs lungs after the flu. The flu doesn't break the lung wall, enter the body and raise hell AFAIK.

    Covid doesn't benefit from all the problems it creates. It just want to enter, replicate, infect a couple of more people, then its job is done. It wants to be very contagious though. So if it becomes less harmful, it can come around and infect you again next season. So with all the random mutations, more contagious, less harmful will be selected for. The more harmful it is, the more we fight it and replication stops. I think it will do this without us fighting it too. So it should devolve into a less harmful, but very contagious flu like disease. That's my 50 cent primitive explanation, which could be off. Disclaimer: I am not a scientist.
  10. Notmyrealname

    Notmyrealname DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer

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    I see - you mean flu-like.
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