I asked PROSIELCO about that leasing question ;letting others share the transformer) and they verbally assured us we would be the only ones connected. And we we are, right now. Actually, what happened was PROSIELCO audited the electrical demand on our property and counted our 3 inverter aircons, our refrigerators and our lower loads as well and came of with 15KVA as satisfying our high load average requirements (which agreed with my calculations). So basically, for the additional monthly payment we are guaranteed 15KVA with clean voltage (and it truly does not sag at all under full load). They could have installed 25KVA I suppose and fed 10 KVA elsewhere but we get the 15KVA in any case (except during the very frequent brownouts) and if we were unsatisfied, we could just get terminate the lease and buy our own. We have never had a problem with this arrangement. There is no contract commitment or anything like that. Another option they gave was to buy an old rebuilt unit (or we could get a new one from Dumaguete). Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
About line ball? Hire costs for 10 years P66,000. Cost to Purchase, around the same figure and you have control of who connects. I would imagine lightening strikes are less frequent than you suggest though. My transformer is on a very high pole and never been struck in the 16 years it has been there so I guess I am well ahead of the rental cost.
Yes, I can see your point. But now that you said that about lightning strikes you can be assured of getting hit soon lol. It always did seem to be a problem in Siquijor but as you say, I might be overestimating the problem. It would not take much convincing to buy my own either, that is if they let us get in the ferry and return to visit our place there. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Talking about low voltage, here is a translation of a notice in Canlaon which is an example of occasional low voltage problems here; FOR ALL CONSUMERS IN CANLAON CITY Vallehermoso Substation shutdown on Monday at 12A.M. for there was a defect due to the great flood that entered last night. As a result, the power supply to Canlaon City will come from the Guihulngan Substation and there is a good chance that the low voltage problem will be experienced again. To prevent damage to appliances and other household items, everyone is asked to make and follow especially during peak hours (6:00 pm - 9:00 pm): 1.) Lightings only will be used during the night. 2.) Do not use aircon, Tv, electric fan and other appliances. 3.) Those big load connections are also requested that if possible none of us energize the feed equipment during peak hours. 4.) Do not turn on the Christmas lights. 5.) If you experience any low voltage, please immediately notify Canlaon Station Linemen or Vallehermoso substation through such contacts Nos. 09167450135, 09351795720. This situation is only temporary and will continue until the repair of the Vallehermoso Substation is completed. Sorry for the inconvenience. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation. NORECO 1 Management Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I think a better translation would be “during the night, only use the lights, not appliances” Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk