Dumaguete Info Search

How bad is it?

Discussion in 'COVID-19' started by john boy, Apr 23, 2021.

  1. john boy

    john boy DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster

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    Well I can tell you that we are getting news reports here in UK of the situation in Philippines.
    That certain parts of Luzon are feeling the effects of the Covid spreading.
    Are the islands really being affected by this or have they remained fairly free so far?
    One family we normally stay with in Pilar Village 20 minutes from Metro Manila,
    have fallen down with the illness, requesting help in obtaining oxygen.
    Having not heard any reports from elsewhere hopefully it's not as serious as the news we are getting here in UK. Stay safe.
  2. SkipJack

    SkipJack DI Senior Member

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    I don't know.
    It is starting to spread faster here. The local news calls it a surge. The authorities screwed up.

    Previously, things had settled down here and in other remote provinces. These provinces required 14 day quarantine for all travelers to the province. This kept the variants out. The community's response was sufficient to suppress the reproduction rate of the original virus.

    The modern variants are more contagious and spread faster. They have a higher reproduction rate known as R0. It made sense to increase the restrictions on arrivals to Manila from foreign countries in an effort to keep the variants out of the country.

    The problem is that while more contagious variants were raging in other countries, the national leadership decided to open up travel within the Philippines. It was decided that local provinces did not have the authority to require the 14 day quarantine on travelers within the country. It was determined that only the national Inter-Agency Task Force (IATF) had this authority. The IATF required all of the provinces to allow travel within the Philippines without requiring a 14 day quarantine. The local LGU still had the authority but this was not useful when the next door LGU allowed travel in without quarantine. Then they stopped the requirement to have a PCR test before arrival to a province.

    Sure enough in time the more contagious variants found their way to Manila and the contagion is exploding there. Hospitals are running out of resources. Meanwhile sick people have been freely traveling from Manila to the provinces.

    The worst part is that now having allowed the more contagious variants free travel to the Provinces there is a move in Manila to not distribute the vaccines evenly throughout the country and instead focus vaccine distribution on the NCR region. Meanwhile sick people can freely travel and transmit the variants to the provinces.

    Luckily the original number of infected people here was small so it will take awhile for the doubling to get out of hand. Meanwhile the authorities seem to be ignorant of the future impacts of having a more contagious variant in the province. In time this more contagious variant will grow the contagion until it is out of control here in the provinces too.


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  3. you_have_been_removed

    you_have_been_removed DI Forum Adept

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    Like most disasters/calamities that occur here whether it originates from the wind from the sea or the wind from the mouthpieces in Manila/Pamplona/Dumaguete, and this virus surge/outbreak as with all the others will be treated accordingly

    1.. its godz work, so you cant be questioning him/her/it
    2.. what's in it for me
    3.. time to bury the head in the sand
    4.. lets wait for other countries to feel pity for us
    5.. lets play the wh*re in the threesome yanks on one side and chinese on the other
    6.. and again depending on the wind what way do we turn over in the bed
    7.. no 7 thats godz day of rest where he dont give a fuxx
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  4. Notmyrealname

    Notmyrealname DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer

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    This was EXACTLY what was 'predicted' here - BEFORE the restrictions were eased. "You cannot remove the bandages whilst the patient is still bleeding" - this is the case even if you need the patient back at work or you want to him to travel to restart the economy. If the people were the beneficiaries of a better education system such that the majority of them understood simple rules (e.g. mask covers face, not chin; face shield is not there to protect the hair) then cases would have been much reduced in the first place. But effort seems instead to be put into warning aliens - follow the rules or we deport you. Yeah, they want to deport the people who are supporting starving families in their country! When (IF) this is all over the conclusion can be made that everything would have been fine if only those terrible aliens had not broken the rules and ruined our country.
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  5. Mike_Haddon

    Mike_Haddon DI Forum Adept

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    Negative test now required in NegOr by order of Gov Degamo. Horse bolted, door closed after. Better late than never.
  6. OP
    john boy

    john boy DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster

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    +1,220 / 240
    Thanks for the Information SkipJack
    Y.H.B.R.............I guess having someone to blame helps relieve the tension some members appear to be suffering.
    I thank God for the prayers answered and our friends now on their recovery from the virus, in Metro Manila.
    Last edited: Apr 24, 2021
  7. Toto

    Toto DI Senior Member

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    We've gone from 56 cases on 3-24, to 204 cases on 4-23, with 64 total deaths out of 1.2 million population. That's our surge in NegOr. Watching because all the variants are in NCR, plus home grown. Have no idea if they sequence any of the genomes from Duma. Seems just like a normal fluctuation so far. Haven't heard of any vaxx sign up sheets for Valencia - anyone know?
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  8. eskirvin

    eskirvin DI Forum Adept Blood Donor Veteran Navy

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    This is basically the same stance Kuwait has taken since it all began. The airport is currently closed for entry to all non-Kuwaitis, unless they are close relatives or the domestic servants of a Kuwaiti. Kuwait has a majority expat population, but the Kuwaitis account for over 60% of the active cases. Makes one wonder, right? Kuwait has stated the airport will open once all of its citizens have been vaccinated. You can't make this stuff up.
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