Back in March it was verified that the variants were in Manila. These variants have helped drive the surge of COVID-19 cases in the capital region, says Health Undersecretary Maria Rosario Vergeire The federal government overruled the 14 day quarantines the provinces had established. The federal government required free travel from Manila to the provinces. Then infected people from Manila transmitted the variants to the provinces which is why the case numbers have surged here too. Also, we here in region 7 have our own variant. As of March 19 there was a higher number of people with the P.3 Philippine variant in Region 7 than in any other region in the Philippines.
From what I have seen it appears that the narrative has been hijacked. Particularly from the Region level up the narrative is being skewed to fit the views of the side that wants to keep things as open as possible. Manila, Cebu and other cities have already adapted to the surges so the change in political direction does not impact them much. This is bad timing for Dumaguete because the community had not adapted to surges before this moment in time. Now that additional restrictions are being resisted there will not be any resistance to the growth of cases. Without implementing any meaningful restrictions, we may see a very severe growth in cases and an overwhelming of the hospitals.. Furthermore the political direction seems to be as follows. 1) Focus on the Manila economy by distributing more vaccines per capita there than in the provinces. The belief is that the Manila economy is more important. There have been news reports supporting this. 2) Focus more on government front-liners A4 while skipping the A2 (over 60) and A3 (comorbidity). This appears to be happening here in Dumaguete. Maybe the influence of the provincial government being in Dumaguete is causing this. Towns without a significant government presence are following the recommended procedure and focusing on the at risk population A2 and A3. For example Valencia and Bacong are following the guidelines and vaccinating the at risk whereas Dumaguete seems to be focusing on the A4 government front-liners. Some people would see this as the political elite favoring themselves.
Philippines detects 242 new cases of coronavirus variants of concern. 29 May 2021
My barangay came by yesterday and put my name on the list for senior citizen AZ vaccine injection. Hope to get the vaccine before I get covid. Probably a close race. Reminds me of the old saying, ‘race to the outhouse with Willie Makeit’.
I managed to get in touch with LGU Bacong via Facebook. Told me to wait a while, my captain is in isolation (Sacsac) So I have to wait a while lol.
If something deemed so important depends on one person (your captain) then it illustrates what is wrong in this country.
Most barangays have a health care rep on the barangay team. Perhaps that person can help. That is the position of the person in my barangay who signed me up.
Yeah, they did the barangay mid -wife, I left my cell number 3 days ago to the mid-wife and she never got back to me .
I am not sure, though chances are the barangay midwife will only call back to healthy women during labor, delivery, and after the birth of their babies.