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Discussion in 'COVID-19' started by Sedona, Jun 22, 2021.

  1. Notmyrealname

    Notmyrealname DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer

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    Others have already made the point that we have not had that "long-term" yet. A year is not long-term but perhaps 5 years is - maybe even longer. This has to be weighed against life expectancy - a person age 99 should not worry too much about the next 10 years.

    I have read of problems with previous coronavirus vaccines, dengue vaccines, polio vaccines, RSV vaccines and there is a concern particularly with coronavirus and RSV (both respiratory viruses) that the result of vaccination is robust BUT the vaccinated person meeting the wild virus then succumbs to it (read about ADE).
  2. Notmyrealname

    Notmyrealname DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer

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    A sceptic is a person who does not know the future - I join you as a sceptic.

    All non-sceptics: PLEASE PM me the results of the forthcoming lottos (please do not post here because I want the jackpot prize only for myself).
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  3. eskirvin

    eskirvin DI Forum Adept Blood Donor Veteran Navy

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    This will come across as harsh (typical, I know), but this post finally brings together everything to culminate humanity's experience with COVID-19. A bunch of people in power, wanting billions to be vaccinated with potentially dangerous vaccines, who were otherwise in no danger from COVID-19, in order to say we have compassion for the hundreds of millions of people at the end of their lives anyway or hanging by a proverbial thread, that could potentially die if they encounter the virus. Near the end of this saga, vaccinated people can carry the virus anyway, can transmit it to the elderly anyway, and the elderly can have their dim candles snuffed out by the slight breeze of COVID that their leaders led them to believe herd immunity and vaccines would make them immune against. All the while, our youth and others that have to carry the torch long after the elderly are gone, are dying from starvation, experiencing crippling economic losses, witnessing the world's governments pile on trillions, hell, probably quadrillions by the time we're done here, of dollars of debt that make the very social programs so many desire a much more distant future.
  4. danbandanna

    danbandanna DI Forum Patron Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer Veteran Marines

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    methinks your candle is already dim... LOL
    • Funny Funny x 3
  5. Crystalhead

    Crystalhead ADMIN Admin ★ Forum Moderator ★ ★ Global Mod ★ ★ Moderator ★ ★★ Forum Sponsor ★★ ★ No Ads ★ Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer Veteran Army

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    Find this funny as a cell phone zombie about 3 weeks back asked if I wanted to buy a lotto 3 number ticket and of coarse I said no as I do not nor ever have and will never gamble. In fun I said to her my number would be 666 and that week 666 came up as the winning number. Life is soooo fun and Mooorrrrr fun in the Philippines. To stay on topic, take the vaccine and stuff it up the 1%s arse! That way we will assuredly live longer!

    Also I am down to 6 and a half cases of Tanduay anf 4 cases of gin left. Hope this MECQ will end soon as I plan to buy 100 cases of lovely poisons.. CHEERS and goodnight to all
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  6. cabb

    cabb DI Forum Patron Highly Rated Poster ✤Forum Sponsor✤

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    Interesting article on how long it takes for a drug to be brought to market. In US, it's about 12 years on average with 1 yr Phase 1, 2 years Phase 2, 3 years Phase 3 and about 2.5 years for FDA approval. The other time is pre-Phase 1 development.


    I don't think is necessarily an indicator of how long vaccine development should take, we have a new flu vaccine every year. Certainly something that could cause millions of deaths needs to be expedited. Here is a link on vaccine development.

    • Informative Informative x 1
  7. Pedro

    Pedro DI Senior Member Showcase Reviewer Veteran Navy

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    Apparently some require more sterilization than others.
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  8. Toto

    Toto DI Senior Member

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    I disagree. A Phase 3 trial is designed to get your vaxx to pass, and then its on to find out what the real world is like. It is natural that society wants a solution. The Swedish experiment failed. People still want the elderly locked up and everyone else to be free. Society doesn't work that way - and many elderly are family dependent. From the beginning science didn't claim you couldn't get the virus and pass it on. Two objects - unclog the hospitals, reduce death, reduce length of illness, and 2. keep the virus from replicating. Replicating?
    The origin for the Spanish Flu was Kansas. It got transported to Europe by troop movements. It got WORSE in Europe. So the maxim that it gets more benign as it travels through the population will be adjusted. We'll have to deal with this.
    Three things now - fear of Covid, 2. fear of vaccines. Both can be irrational. A vaccine can reduce chances of getting it, passing it on, and having your body clog up the ICU, chances of getting it are low, but much lower if everyone who can gets vaxxed. Fear of vaccines just reduces to fear in general. People are afraid, we all know that. Muster all the seemingly rational arguments you can - it's just sugar-coating fear. Know your odds and make a rational choice - but humans aren't rational, we know that. And 3. specifically for here, the illusion of choice in vaccines. So after deciding that a vaccine is best for you and to not transmit to the guy next to you, in this country you may get one choice. If you are lucky you don't have to balk. If you are really lucky, they may have your preference available if you do balk. For many people it's an emotional choice, but I'm practical, and I knew the idea I would get my preference was just not reality. But people being irrational with a little selfishness tossed in can always be counted on.
  9. eskirvin

    eskirvin DI Forum Adept Blood Donor Veteran Navy

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    Very witty.
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  10. eskirvin

    eskirvin DI Forum Adept Blood Donor Veteran Navy

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    Not sure what you're disagreeing with.
    Personal choice and risk acceptance. I concur wholeheartedly.
    If anyone that takes the vaccine can still catch COVID and transmit it to others, you aren't preventing the spread. Yes, less of a chance to mutate and potentially less exposure with reduced symptoms, but it can still spread. There is no guarantee, but that's exactly what people are being sold. Hell, the vaccination proof app here in Kuwait is named "Immune."