Religion has nothing to do with it. It is human nature to be nasty to others. If it isn't through religion is will be through corporations, if not through corporations it will be through government, most likely it will be through all of them. Humans will always find a way to f*ck other humans.
For some. It would be easy to write a VERY long list of Forum members (present and ex-) who seem nothing but pleasant, caring people.
Micro vs macro. You'll find kindness on the micro but you'll find evil on the macro. The net result of the human condition is bigotry, selfishness and greed. It's just the natural order of the world.
Genuine people often show conpassion to the less fortunate, but it has often been said and I include myself " I care but I can't feed the world" Sadly sometimes foreigners are look upon as ATMachines, taken advantage of and cast aside when the well runs dry. As pointed out 57 million people in poverty, it's survival by any means, including some "Fat old men" who provide a meal ticket in return for some comfort they couldn't find elsewhere. Each to their own reasons and choices, life is a one way ticket for us all, whatever your desires or actions may be. I have been blessed with reasonable good health and have always had food in my belly and a roof over my head, 57 million people in Philippines alone, can't say that. Am I lucky?....... you bet I am!
May his kindness and generosity return to him a hundredfold. You are such a wonderful blessing to many people, Mark! God speed.