arrgghh I have edited this response too many times, the choice of the few vs the good of the many.... tired of vaxx hesitators ... or deniers ... or just stupid people ...
I got vaccinated before anyone else on this forum, most likely. Just like the guy going slow in the left lane because the speed limit is the law, you want everyone else to risk their livelihood for you to do what you want to do. Stay inside, away from others, if you're at risk. Others getting vaccinated does NOT prevent the spread of COVID, only reduces it. Stay in your room, young man.
Irrelevant and uncalled for comment but, IMO, consistent with the remainder of the wholly sanctimonious post.
The part you do not understand is that the choice they made not to get vaccinated effects others around them. The unvaccinated are filling the hospitals to the point that care has to be rationed. Health insurance companies and the government will have to raise the premiums for all of their customers to cover the cost of those who chose not to be vaccinated and later got infected. Some fail to see how their individual decisions effect the whole community. They think they are acting independently but these same people end up consuming the savings of others when they need medical care. A COVID Surge Is Overwhelming U.S. Hospitals, Raising Fears Of Rationed Care — primarily sickening the unvaccinated and straining an already depleted health care workforce.
Insurance companies were private businesses that could cancel coverage until the ACA. You reap what you sow. Unfortunately, they can't decline coverage, which would be the proper response to someone who chooses not to do what would potentially keep them safe. Making a law saying insurance companies have to cover people doesn't then mean we need to make a law that everyone stops smoking, takes vaccines, and wears a seatbelt. I don't guess you're going to buy into the fact that costs are high because the government pays for them. Have you been to a hospital in America lately? 2/3rds of the building is administration looking to turn a profit. You voted these high costs in to place. Accept your responsibility.
To whom am I acting morally superior? If anything, your post seems to suggest the exact opposite. Maybe you're just not good with words. Derek Zoolander has a school for you.
Actually I do understand quotes and math. If you didn't think the information you quoted was correct, why did you quoote it? How does a smart person like yourself present such faulty information?
How does a smart person such as yourself assume the information was what I was presenting, when that clearly wasn't the case?