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Merck’s Covid-19 Pills

Discussion in 'COVID-19' started by PatO, Oct 2, 2021.

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  1. Toto

    Toto DI Senior Member

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    That is not true. But Kory and Marik, through the FLCCC, have led millions of people (including the podcast host Joe Rogan and many of his followers) to believe that hard data from around the world supports the treatment of COVID-19 with **********. Some of it comes from studies that cite data that has been found not to exist. In other instances, they cherry-pick information or jump to conclusions about **********'s role in ending illnesses in a way that makes ********** sound more effective against COVID-19 than it is.

  2. Crystalhead

    Crystalhead ADMIN Admin ★ Forum Moderator ★ ★ Global Mod ★ ★ Moderator ★ ★★ Forum Sponsor ★★ ★ No Ads ★ Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer Veteran Army

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    Rogan is an American podcast host, UFC color commentator, comedian, and former television presenter. The only way I would listen to him is if I was on an Air-liner and he was sitting beside me... FARTING.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  3. jimf

    jimf DI Member Showcase Reviewer

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    Completely accurate information you have provided!
    Since studies in the West of this med were, let's say, "stalled," in mid 2020 we have only empirical data to work with, and it is very convincing. Just go look at it yourself, and connect a couple of dots.
    Correct, ivir_mectin is not approved for the treatment of covid 19, but when it is used infection rates (and deaths) plummet. When the med is held as it is in other Indian provinces the difference in control is stark, and cannot be denied.
    An Indian physician group performed a study with 2460 healthcare workers working in a covid active facility. The conclusion was an 83% reduction in infection rates among workers that participated. The dosing range for prophylaxis is 300mcg/kg for just two days, and once monthly, slightly more for infected workers,. I will provide a link for that study when i find it as oddly, information is getting buried rapidly. I have provided a link for a similar study with a 73% reduction.
    Uttar Pradesh, an Indian province with 200,000,000 inhabitants had a 300k daily infection rate in April 2021. After starting the med that shall not be named it is nearly zero. many districts in UP have declared themselves covid free. I have provided a link for the prominent news agency outlining part of the story. Many local governments in India have come out ferventl in favor of iver;mecton use
    The above is repeated in other parts of the world and the news is available if you look.
    The FLCCC, i believe headed by Dr Kory, and perhaps Dr Peter McCullough have "the drug that shall not be named" in their prophalxis, and treatment protocol as well with a slightly different dosing regimen, but all well within safe limits.
    This med has one of the safest safety profiles of any medication.



    https://wentworthreport.com/2021/09...****** treatment even if only one is infected.

    I have never beenn to the Wentworth Report before today. Say what you will about sources. It will be easy for you to find other sources that corroborate what is happening in India.
    Sadly, i just heard yesterday that India's PM is dropping HCQ, and the drug that shall not be named from their treatment protocols. I'm sure it was just a coincidence that this came a day or two after he met with Kamala the harlot harris in Washington.
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  4. SkipJack

    SkipJack DI Senior Member

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    I don't know.
    Sorry for being off topic.

    My question is: Why are some people so strongly motivated to believe misinformation? The list of quacks purporting this stuff is relatively small compared to all on the rational side. The people who believe this stuff must have a predisposition to believe quackery.

    What is this predisposition? Is it related to a psychiatric condition?
  5. jimf

    jimf DI Member Showcase Reviewer

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    It's not whether I think the vaccine is poison, it's what the data reveals. Incidentally, I almost did not include the first link associated with the graph as it is poorly written. The graph was published by Johns Hopkins University, and speaks for itself.
    Regarding the vaccine, if someone is at risk and after discussion with their physician determine the risk benefit is there, by all means take the vaccine. Sadly, there have been many people take it who have lost their lives or endured serious illness who were never at risk of serious disease or death in the first place.
    To be fair, I should have mentioned that I have recovered from covid at the start of the pandemic. I have for the last 18mo continued to see pt's regularly (I'm a RN), some covid+ and,knock on wood I have had no illness since. Nonetheless, the governor of the state i am licensed in has mandated we get jabbed or face termination. A complete abandonment from science and an authoritarian tactic for compliance.
    I went ahead and purchased some, "people" ivormechten because I believe it would be STOOPID to not have some on hand with the knowledge the world has about this med at this point in time.

    p.s. I'm a little disappointed in you for attacking and mocking the messenger, instead of persuading and extolling the merits of your argument. Even though my status here is the kind way of stating "lurker," I will say I'm glad you didn't cancel me. Nothing wrong with discussion is there? I wont promote any cures since i am just a country nurse...it would be unethical.
    It is all of our duty to inform, and let people make up their own minds


    Again, not one "mainstream" news source posts this affidavit to my Knowledge
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
    Last edited: Oct 4, 2021
  6. SkipJack

    SkipJack DI Senior Member

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    I don't know.
    Please share with us how you are feeling and what is motivating your thinking.

    Without much study, you readily grasp at "perceived facts" that you think support your belief when it is obvious that they do not. Let me tick off a couple of these.
    The graph from Johns Hopkins that you posted shows a decline in the number of new cases for the population of Deli, India. It does NOT show that this decline was as a result of taking *******. With social distancing and vaccines the case count is going down in many places.

    The medical establishment in India have dropped the use of ******* and ***** because the evidence shows that they do not work.

    ******* and ****** were dropped from the clinical guidance after studies found that these drugs have little to no effect on Covid-related mortality or clinical recovery of the patient.


    Please share with us how you are feeling and what is motivating your thinking. Do you believe that there is a conspiracy between all of the "mainstream" news sources?
  7. jimf

    jimf DI Member Showcase Reviewer

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    The graph depicting the decline in cases in Dehli is widely known to be the result of introducing the med that shall not be named.
    Share with you how I am feeling? Are you kidding?
    Isn't it odd that we cannot type the word iver:mectin? How are you feeling about that?
    Empirical data on the results of the med that shall not be named is everywhere. Please reach out and find it, it should be quite easy.

    I happened to find one in about a minute...a good one


    I don't mean to be sarcastic to you, but when someone tries to psychoanalyze you online it should be expected.
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
    Last edited: Oct 4, 2021
  8. jimf

    jimf DI Member Showcase Reviewer

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  9. jimf

    jimf DI Member Showcase Reviewer

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    Just wanted to get a point across.
    Not a fan of sharing YT videos but this should answer your questions. i watched 90% of it, you may watch the start of the conclusion from 10:40-13.02 and that is all you should need.
    Just 2min and 22 sec then I'll be happy to share how I'm feeling with you on another day...I'm taking the evening off : )

    • Thanks Thanks x 2
  10. andiflip

    andiflip DI Senior Member

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    Are you taking this now,, if not i can surely understand you are taking another controlled substance.. Shabu
    • Funny Funny x 1
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