I'm curious if any has had to deal with this. From S-pass site: https://s-pass.ph/pages/requirements/074610 The data worries me since Sept 21, but hot off the s-pass press. DUMAGUETE CITY, NEGROS ORIENTAL Requirements: Last Updated: 2021-09-13 05:44:53 NOTE: All requirements shall be uploaded and saved in the traveler’s S-PaSS account which shall generate an S-PaSS QR Code once approved, that can be downloaded or printed to be presented upon entry. NOTE : Please select your destination town/city correctly. Approval of SPass is within 24 hours. Requirements NOT VACCINATED 1) Submit Valid ID 2) Submit negative RT PCR Swab Test Result (from DOH-accredited laboratory) * validity 72 hrs from release date Requirements FULLY VACCINATED (14 days after 2nd dose) 1) Submit Vaccination Card (side w/ vaccination details) 2) Submit Vaccination Certificate from Province, City or Municipal Health Office where you were vaccinated. 3) Submit negative Antigen Test Rest *validity 48 hrs from release date I assume the foreigner would need to get something from the state they got the shots. When they say release date, do they mean the date you enter the PI or when you leave manila to Dumaguete? Who approves it?
Went to Occidental recently and S-Pass was requested at the border, along with vax card or VaxCert. It's pretty easy to register and put your travel details in and you get instant 'Approval', which you just print off or screenshot. Diddlysquat required coming the other way, presumably because Occidental is Unrestricted and Oriental Restricted (seems the wrong way round terminology, but there we are).
Relatives rode the ferry from Manila to Dumaguete about two weeks ago, no S Pass required. The adults had vax certs/ certificates and two unvaccinated kids who were under age 12 had negative antigen tests.
Just got back from a Cebu trip. No spass, no vax card, no vax cert and no testing required. Cebu City dropped all curfew and business occupancy restrictions last month. They also do not allow businesses to restrict access based on vaccination status.
Btw, you still don't want to turn left once you leave the ferry on Cebu Island. The road is complete garbage and will likely remain that way for another 5+ years. Each trip down that road will take 1 year or more off the life of your vehicle. Go to Moalboal and head across the mountain to Carcar. The only bad spot left from the typhoon is quickly being repaired and should be completed in the next month or two.
I think you meant "don't want to turn right once you leave the ferry on Cebu Island." Turning right will take you up the East side of the island. This side of the island had a lot of damage from the typhoon. Turning left will take you up the West side of Cebu island. Well past Moalboal is Barili where you can take the road to Carcar city
Was this both ways (on entry to Cebu and back into Negros Oriental)? EDIT: Just seen from 'Jens K' post, added since I asked the above question, that it appears to be hit and miss.
Sitting on the Maayo ferry to Cebu island right now, coast guard did check vax cards before departure. Really depends on their mood I guess, last few times nobody cared.
Probably a stupid question: looking at the map Malboal is on the left. So why not turn left when leaving the ferry ? Gesendet von meinem M2101K6G mit Tapatalk
I went through the Sibulan terminal. Either way, I always carry my vax card with me when traveling just in case. I can't get the vax cert website to issue me a cert or reply to an email no matter how many times I try. Won't be bothered to go stand in a line locally to have it issued. Correct, that is the way you want to go. Sorry about that.