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Architect/Home Builder

Discussion in 'Dumaguete City' started by Blueberry, Sep 29, 2022.

  1. Stefan_Negros

    Stefan_Negros DI Forum Adept

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    Camping and living permanently in a tent are two different things.
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  2. Stefan_Negros

    Stefan_Negros DI Forum Adept

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    Everybody should live like he wants. I have a different opinion of how to live but I don't say I am right.

    If you are happy living in a Kubo then go ahead. If you want to live like asawas grandparents then go ahead.

    For me personally it's not a desirable way of live.
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  3. DAVE1952

    DAVE1952 DI Senior Member Showcase Reviewer

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    I don't know.
    I for one agree with you 100% on this Bamboo structure, sometimes I wish I had gone down this road myself? I see no reason not to have an on Grid electric supply to this, not running AC will keep your Bills down to around P2K a month or even less, but there is one problem with a Kuba and that is the roof material needs replacing every few years, everyone will tell you this including your dumb Pinoys, unfortunately your average Pinoy Builder no longer has the skills of his forefathers, after they introduced the Fecking Dumb US idea of building with CHB, they lost what they once had, 100plus years ago when they were building this type of Bamboo house the roofs had a high angle slope to them of around 60 Degrees this sheds of the rainwater very fast and leaves little on and between the grasses to rot and thus extends the life of the roof for up to 30yrs so I have been told, this information I had from a Crazy German guy who had this type of roof over his 600m2 CHB house with the roof being 1000M2, this roof was done by a very Skilled Pinoy who takes pride in his work (one very rare commodity in PH) the splined and roped off joints being a work of art, I think it is very likely to have a lifespan of perhaps 30yrs until the Termites beat it, although again I heard the termites prefer young Bamboo and after a time they leave the old stuff? however soil treatment before the build may prevent this along with regular spraying around the house in the years that follow. perhaps the price to build this will be around 75% less than one in CHB? It is not all that wise of you to mention your crazy ideas here on DI, most of our members live in CHB Glass Houses and are liable to throw stones at you, Bamboo is great at resisting the forces of nature, Wind and Quakes.

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  4. Pedro

    Pedro DI Senior Member Showcase Reviewer Veteran Navy

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    Florida and Dumaguete
    +73 / 5
    That makes a lot of sense, I will keep my eye out for someone who may still be doing this and check it out. Join the old, using bamboo, with the new, solar power, might just be the answer I am looking for.

    I also left out that along with a bahay kubo asawa would require a pool in which she claims she would spend the whole day in. Sounds good to me. Simple and affordable!
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  5. DAVE1952

    DAVE1952 DI Senior Member Showcase Reviewer

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    I don't know.
    The above Pic is of a portion of that 1000m2 roof at a pitch of 60 degrees
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  6. DAVE1952

    DAVE1952 DI Senior Member Showcase Reviewer

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    I don't know.
    I think the guy who did that roof just may be called Joel and from Bacong, I do have a friend there who has used him not so long ago and he has contact details for this Pinoy
  7. DAVE1952

    DAVE1952 DI Senior Member Showcase Reviewer

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    I don't know.
    I quite sure our Mr Pedro, is not suggesting camping in the Philippines in its true sense, if he ends up living in a Kuba with a swimming pool alongside it, I think the modern parlance and apt title for this, would be Glamping?
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  8. God Bless Texas

    God Bless Texas DI Member

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    Hopefully the property is on a mountain side or at altitude, if your by the ocean then the heat and mosquitos will be rough. Like Houston in the summer- but summer never ends. Also, the cool sea breeze is a myth lol.
    Enjoy the adventure, I am guessing your still young, or at least young at heart.
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  9. God Bless Texas

    God Bless Texas DI Member

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    +292 / 17
    Something to concider is water supply.
    Are you close enough for the barangy or city water?
    Without power how will you circulate the water, otherwise it will turn into a Florida swamp and the temp of a bath.....yuck!!!

    If your not on city water, or power, you will be hand pumping your water fordaily usage (assuming you have a well on property, otherwise that is another project).
    If you have a well perhaps concider connecting it to a jetpump and small generator. If you also have a reserve tank of 2000l or more then you may only need to fill 1 time a week.
    Sidenote, even on municipal water an extra water is recommend for days when it is not working due to any of the following reason:
    Power is out and the watetr company cant turn on their pumps.
    Water company maintenance.
    Somebody breaks the water pipe upflow from you.
    Natural disasters making water unavailable or unusable for a time.
    Water use limitations (See news in Manilla, it happens in other towns too trying to conserve).
    And those are just the one's I have experienced, I am sure there are more.
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  10. Stefan_Negros

    Stefan_Negros DI Forum Adept

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    You are most probably right.

    I just look to Europe and many people my age are actually selling their houses, buy an extremely expensive caravan or camper and travelling the world. In order to avoid high rates for rent and other costs as well as urban living they prefer to live on 15 or 18 sqm, but changing the place whenever they want. Summer time in Scandinavia, winter time in Spain or Portugal, whatever they like.

    Many people getting more and more annoid about living circumstances in their country and trying to escape.

    Camping business is booming. It started during the Pandemic and is still one of the best business around. If you want to buy a big caravan in Germany waiting time is more than a year and prices are starting around 100.000 Euro. Easy to spend 300.000 or more.

    Despite camping is not my preferred life style I have a lot of understanding for people that are changing their life significantly just in order to have a bit more personal freedom.
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