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Architect/Home Builder

Discussion in 'Dumaguete City' started by Blueberry, Sep 29, 2022.

  1. Senjenbing

    Senjenbing DI Forum Adept Veteran Marines Navy

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    I agree with Dave1952 wholeheartedly - YAYFH!

    I will qualify why I agree with Sir Dave1952 - IMO Filipinos in general possess very little, if any, business or organisational skills hence everything is left until the last minute or just doesn't happen (they can't even be bothered to answer emails). Even sari-sari stores go bust because they spend the takings before replenishing any stocks. Does the term "Sorry, no stock sir" ring any bells?

    I have a friend who left his house to be looked after by the outlaws whilst he and his wife were abroad - on their return the house was full of extended family, chickens & dogs - and I can imagine similar, or worse, if you were to entrust them with running a B & B.

    If you are really going to entrust the outlaws with running a B & B for you then I wish you the best of luck, but I still think Yer Aff yer Fecking heead!
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  2. Dutchie

    Dutchie DI Senior Member Showcase Reviewer Veteran Army

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    There's several aspects in this, one of which is the notorious thriftiness (I'm being polite here, some might say stinginess) of the Scots (only surpassed by the Dutch).
    To illustrate, everybody knows copper wire was invented in 1798 during a fight between a Scot and a Dutchman over the possession of a twopence coin. :biggrin:
    Moreover, the multitude of expressions in the English language that reference the Dutch is ample proof I would think, Dutch treat anyone?

    Jokes aside though, yes there's many Pinoy who struggle to live by anything else than a crab mentality (if I can't succeed, neither can you, where the group will pull down anyone more successful than them), and yes, if the in-laws have a mentality like that then good luck with them looking after your house/business.
    However, it's many, but definitely not all. There are plenty good people here also, who will try their best to make things a success. But since not many here have a good education and/or business acumen, such attempts at success might still fail.

    So the bottom line must be to be very careful with entrusting your house/business to the care of someone else, just like you would in your country of origin. After all "al te goed is buurmans gek" (the dutch equivalent of AYFH), or as the French would say "Qui se fait mouton, le loup le mange".
    Maybe the wisdom in these matters is “Make sure you understand the difference between being kind and being taken advantage of.”
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  3. Crystalhead

    Crystalhead ADMIN Admin ★ Forum Moderator ★ ★ Global Mod ★ ★ Moderator ★ ★★ Forum Sponsor ★★ ★ No Ads ★ Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer Veteran Army

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    I have 3 homes, and a farm. I married a Filipina that is 3 years younger than me (not 30 years younger) I trust her more than anyone on this planet. She worked 31 years in the west and is very intelligent. Best thing I ever did was marry her and I am in the 5% of Foreigners that can put the 1st World behind and enjoy a retirement here in the Philippine with no p*ss and moaning about it, It is do-able!
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  4. DAVE1952

    DAVE1952 DI Senior Member Showcase Reviewer

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    I don't know.
    My In-laws are very good people twice I have loaned them money and both times they paid me back, most Foreigners are amazed when I tell them this, but like most of the population of the Philippines they suffer from arrested development, I'm pretty dam sure they my In-laws, could not run a P!ss up in a brewery, if your own In-laws were in any way successful it is unlikely they would be able to assist in a B&B? Filipinos are great a patting themselves on the back and they will tell you they are good at this that and the next, mostly they are just stupid and too stupid to know they are stupid, this is all down to the poor education system that prevails over there, I'm quite sure most of them were Not born that way, the curriculum for education there centres around Singing, Dancing and Clapping of hands, their measure of achievement would be a place in the dance team at the Sinolog Festival, this is now being superseded by the number of likes they get of their FB page.

    Perhaps you are correct about my attitude? it is true I can be very blunt and direct often telling people Not what they want to hear I must admit it is not the first time I have been called up about this, but having lived in PH for much more than 10% of my 70 living years, gaining a wealth of knowledge from other Foreigners that have been there for a longer duration than myself, also building a house there fast tracks you into the weird and wonderful ways of the Filipino mind??? all of this has gone into the melting pot and from this I would suggest I can give a well informed Honest opinion about the reality of life in the Philippines for a Foreigner, added to that I have known quite a few Foreigners that have been burnt there in business, sometimes through the ignorance of their well intentioned family members.
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  5. DAVE1952

    DAVE1952 DI Senior Member Showcase Reviewer

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    I don't know.
    John I have met your lovely Wife you have surprised me when you say she is only 3 yrs younger than you, there was me thinking she is 30yrs your junior she certainly looks it.

    For the life of me I cannot understand what you are trying to say here this has no relevance to the price of cheese? it all sounds quite Irish to me?

    Not at any time in this thread did anyone suggest that you cannot enjoy a good retirement there in the Philippines, no one seemed to be moaning or urinating on the said country, all that was suggested to our Mr Pedro was; not to look at the Philippines or is people through Rose Tinted Glasses and that he should think twice before starting any business venture that may be left in the care of Filipinos, we are all just trying to help and point him in the right direction and thus enable him to be better informed.
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  6. Crystalhead

    Crystalhead ADMIN Admin ★ Forum Moderator ★ ★ Global Mod ★ ★ Moderator ★ ★★ Forum Sponsor ★★ ★ No Ads ★ Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer Veteran Army

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    +2,037 / 1,093
    Thank you Dave. It was not directed at or to anyone. A blanket statement that more so carried over here from a Youtube host of Gents that have made many errors in their ways. Trying to ad a positive short story here! Thank you for complimenting the Wife.... you to are a lucky Man. Cheers.
  7. Notmyrealname

    Notmyrealname DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer

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    Perfectly correct. This starts at school where photos are plastered over the front of the premises to fool people into thinking something educational is going on inside - in most cases it is NOT. The system is a DE-education system - taking bright kids and making many of them dumb.

    Perfectly correct. Wasting time being 'liked' by pseudo-friends is how they evaluate themselves and I feel sorry for many of them as they have nothing of added value by virtue of attending 'school'.

    Perfectly correct. But is it not better to be told the truth than be lied to. Follows on from the above - parents and their kids are lied to about education here and the kids leave thinking their pieces of paper (some grades awarded for cleaning the floor) have any worth. A few have but not many.
  8. Notmyrealname

    Notmyrealname DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer

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    LOL ... this has a double-meaning! :smile:

    I am just wondering which one you meant Mr D. :o o:
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  9. DAVE1952

    DAVE1952 DI Senior Member Showcase Reviewer

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    I don't know.
  10. DAVE1952

    DAVE1952 DI Senior Member Showcase Reviewer

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    I don't know.
    Something I posted on another Ex-Par site that would have some relevance to this Topic, this was in reply to someone on the site who had posted a Video showing a group of Pinoy builders erecting a structure in CHB, with him extolling the virtues of the said Pinoy builders, this I have copied and will post here.

    Forums such as this are great places to go for information on most things, just about everything a Foreigner needs to know regarding Living in the Philippines can be had from this, but when it comes to BUILDING they generally fail miserably, perhaps the reason why 99% of Foreigners live in not fit for purpose CHB structures, they follow like sheep and do what everyone else does, they in turn go on Forums giving advice on this Sheep method of building there in PH.

    The attached Video is only good to serve as a BAD example of how to build in PH, these builders are just a bunch of Cupid Stunts, any Foreigner who thinks otherwise is seriously misinformed, from this Video I could see they have little of any understanding on the properties of cementitious materials and much the same can be said of the aforementioned Foreigners that go on to Ex-Pat sites and impart their knowledge of this commonly used method. Now a far better method would be to build with CIP (caste in place) concrete this must be the strongest of all structures, the time taken from mixing to getting it into its final position is likely to be less than 10mins the useful POT LIFE of wet cement especially in a tropical country is not much more than 20mins around this time it starts to really heat up, (due to the Chemical reaction taking place between the water and the Cement) after this time the initial curing is accelerated and not long after that it is rendered useless, now your Dumb Fecking Pinoy Builder has no understanding of this, much the same can be said of Foreigners giving advice on the CHB method, to them they think when a Mortar dries out and the water evaporates it then goes hard, so they have the easy fix to just add more water when it starts to firm up, but by this time it is past its sell by date and no longer fit for purpose, I do understand this was not evident on the Video, but they made so many other blunders in this that I have good reason (from the host of other problems I did observe) for thinking they do not know what they are doing, if you care to look at this again observe the Lintel on the completed window aperture, this was towards the end of the Video, it appeared to me that this was only a bit of Coco Wood, often they take this away once the wall is cured to leave at best a length or rebar to bridge the gap, that was just one of many faults I picked up on.

    With the knowledge I have gained through the many hours of research I have done on house building, plus a lot of hands on experience, Likely I have the equivalent of a PHD in Philippine House construction??? but I Do Not have the knowledge that is required to build in a 1st world country with one exception maybe in US as they were the Dumb Feckers that brought the idea of a CHB house over to PH.

    IMHO, it is just not possible to build a sound structure using CHB in a tropical country where cement retarders seem not to be available, the only retards that are readily available would be the Pinoy Construction worker, put these two together and you end up with structure with many failings. Believe it or not? 20grms of household sugar added per 40kg bag of cement does retard the curing time of cement.

    Btw, my lightweight Hardiflex box as you have described it is a little more than that, it is a Pillar and Beam structure formed in welded together heavy gauge Steel angle bar, with a uPVC roof installed and all built on the top of a Monolithic (raft slab) this floats above grade, to this we then added the steel studs and Hardiflex which has the attributes of an engineered box beam making the whole structure very strong, rice hulls were then added in the wall cavity adding insulation, in the event of a serious Quake this should fare well, but I must admit my rather over sized roof at and angle of 45 degrees just may give a problem in a serious Typhoon, I guess I could get 20knots out of this in a good following wind and I'm now thinking a tiller should be added to it?

    I was never a high achiever at School which I left at aged 15yrs with no qualifications, I was the disruptive idiot in class that would do anything for a dare, but one lesson I did learn from a very good teacher was when she chastised me in class, mostly she was polite spoken but when giving a telling off she would revert to the Scottish vernacular, then she would say; David, if ye wur tae keep yer mooth shut naebidy wid ken yer Stupid.
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