I was invited by one of the Heads at THS Legislated High School in Tanjay City to make a few shorts (videos) in 4K HD. Thank You & shout out's to Goldwin for the invite. Added note. Really have never cared about my content other than, I just enjoy promoting the Philippines. It's my thanggg!! Enjoy the Pinoy.
Another Vid. My Camera is the Sony FDR AX-53 .......4k, night vision, connects to internet. Awesome Cam. Have had it 5 years now, no probs with it. Bought it in Canada.
Not! My Avatar is of a Filipina (half Korean) Friend back in Vancouver Canada. My image taken with a Canon Power shot Camera Summer of 2011. This is her on the left. 1st image/ 2nd image in the middle/ 3rd image is a partial Logo I created with her permissions.