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Home & Garden Roofing Contractor Recommendations

Discussion in 'Businesses - Services - Products' started by ganda, Feb 27, 2024.

  1. ganda

    ganda DI Junior Member

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    Seeking a competent and honest roofing contractor to replace a defective roof on a single storey building in Dauin.

    Roof Mark 1 was a disaster so I really need someone who can do the job properly this time.

    Any suggestions gratefully received.
  2. Rocket

    Rocket DI New Member

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    Try this guy: Bong Fontanosa 09175206083 His guy's did a great job on our roof.
  3. OP

    ganda DI Junior Member

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    Thanks for this. Appreciated!
  4. DAVE1952

    DAVE1952 DI Senior Member Showcase Reviewer

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    I don't know.
    If you have some time on your side? consider getting it done in uPVC, DN steel have this product; IMAC uPVC roofing, but it takes 3 months for the order to come from Manila, ours arrived in 10 weeks, this is far superior to any steel roof, this sheet material has a built in capillary break where they overlap and this never leaks, there is also a good gutter system with this.

    Here are some of the benefits of this product, Requires no insulation material beneath it being a fairly cool roof, less noisy when it rains, a good deep flow gutter system with a proper transition from gutter to downpipe, (unlike where I've seen it done there on steel gutters where they cut and shape a sardine tin to fit gutter to downpipe) and the final one NO Rust and never needs painting as it ages.

    This product was originally designed for use on commercial buildings, warehouses and the like. For us DN steel were a good company to deal with giving a top class professional service, they are a subsidiary of Phil South.

    If there is a downside to this product we chose a light cream colour and after 2.5yrs it is starting to show some dirt/staining on it, only noticed when you really study it at close quarters, however this may be the exactly the same on a light coloured steel roof?
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  5. DAVE1952

    DAVE1952 DI Senior Member Showcase Reviewer

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    I don't know.
    Further to all of the above most houses and especially the more modern ones are of poor build quality, CHB is a Sh!te product and the method in which they use to build there with this is also Sh!te.

    The VERY most important thing about building any house in a tropical country is to provide a cool roof, this is difficult when using a steel product for cladding the roof, before you listen to any Fecking Ejits here telling you to fit the regular 10mm Foam and Aluminium product under the roof sheets, think on this? there is not an available foam product that can withstand the intense heat under a steel roof sheet, all the available foam products there turn to dust within a short period of time, better to use mineral wool above the ceilings of the rooms, nothing under the steel sheets and provide ridge ventilation.

    Ridge ventilation should be made mandatory there in PH, allowing a flow of air through the eaves vents is just not enough, the air in the attic will not have sufficient movement, but by providing a ridge vent this allows the hot air to rise and escape thus drawing in the cooler air through the eaves. It is just that simple anyone can see the logic to this.

    You can see lots of examples of ridge venting on older roofs from many years ago, also in the designs of many Sac Sac (grass reeds) roofs. but few if any on most modern builds in the last 20yrs or so?
    All these fully qualified Architects of today in the Philippines designing roofs without proper venting? these Cupid Stunts should be put against a wall and shot.
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  6. OP

    ganda DI Junior Member

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    Thanks for all this, Dave. I will try to contact DN steel. Obviously best if they can come and look at the project first. Been waiting five years for a resolution (court etc) so three months won't make much difference. :smile:
  7. DAVE1952

    DAVE1952 DI Senior Member Showcase Reviewer

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    I don't know.
    As I said they do provide a very professional service, I had taken a plan of my roof down to their office which they measured up, being a hipped roof they supplied me with a numbered plan of which sheet goes where and supplied the sheets of varying sizes to fit, the longest of them being 7.2mtrs also at this same time they gave me a price and I think I had to pay around half to commit to the order, if I do remember correctly the sheets, ridge caps, hip caps, all tech screws plus sealant were all included in the price, this was around P130K this was for a roof coverage of 200M2 but at a pitch of 45 Degrees this does cost more than the standard 30pitch, I did not inquire about any fitting service from them but I guess they must do this? With hindsight I wish I had them fit it all, my own workers had an extended time working with this so likely it cost me quite a bit in labour charges and saved me nothing added to that there would be No Warranty with a DIY job.

    The time I had to spend in their office was of quite short duration these Guys knew their job well (a very rare quality there in PH) The 130K price included the packing and shipping cost from factory to my door the price for this alone was around 20K, at the time I did think this to be a hefty charge, however it was packed well and there was not even a hint of damage.

    I think I went for a thickness of 1.5mm this can be had in 2, 2.5 and 3mm, at 1.5mm I could jump on this sheet and I am a Fat Bar Steward of 100kg, it is near impossible to bend or distort, it really is a very robust material and great to work with.

    Send me a PM if you want to look at my roof and there you will see a simple ridge vent, there is bits of scrap there if you want a sample? much of the angled cuts where there is a lot of wastage in a hipped roof, perhaps as much as 10 to 15%? were all used up.
    • Informative Informative x 5
  8. JWBobbit

    JWBobbit DI Member

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    DAVE1952, thanks for the interesting info on the ridge ventilation. Could the same result be achieved fitting whirly birds to an existing metal roof? And do they have to have eave vents for either ridge ventilation or whirly birds to work properly?
  9. DAVE1952

    DAVE1952 DI Senior Member Showcase Reviewer

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    I don't know.
    Yes whirly Birds are a great choice only I have heard the ones available there tend to fail in the long term? Australia make really good ones they are used extensively there in that country.

    I think you are asking a question you already know the answer to? the air that is drawn out with a WB must be replaced with air coming from the eaves this would not work hardly at all otherwise, I'm sure if you were to google; venting of an attic you are likely to get even better information than I am giving you?
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