Pat, The first thing that came to my mind was a Quiz on Iron Man but kids should have seen the movies for this... Regards Mary
Items sold for a very-long-nose price, pls mark the thread closed. Thanks Mary
Unkoven, The lovely "Bounty style" beaches are out of Duma and usually not easy to reach. Try Mike's Beach Resort to get the idea of what you can...
Mr. Peterson, Interesting remark! I personally never saw any... But i always wonder what happens to Pinoy kids...when they're small they're...
Tony, I was gone for a while and missed some parts of this detective story...could u pls explain what goal The X Man was trying to reach by this...
Dave you may think whatever you want to but since I'm a foreigner myself there is no such thing like long nose price for me and I'm not at all...
Wrye83, For some reason i'm unable to attach a pic here using a tablet, but here's the link:Office Chair | Professional / Office Equipment for...
Prices negotiable waiting for your offers, gentlemen
Two Pinays asked me if I ever ate rice before coming to Phils
1. Office chair Second hand but in good condition. Soft foam and textile. Hight regulated, wheels, colour light grey. 1800 peso. 2. Floor fan 3...
d*mn what a shame...
Henry Sy still leading and for how many decades!!!
Gary, I talked to them yesterday and today she let me know that she found a 23 y/o girl willing to work for you. I shared Lorna's contact number...
Dustylane, hello! Are you located in Valencia too? I don't live there anymore but I will contact my former landlords anyway coz they were really...
Mr. Peterson, certainly I do YouTube. Just yesterday checked the latest Graham Norton Show and all the 7 series of Top Gear 21 season are...
Thank you, kind sir! Warm regards M
Mr. Peterson, I'm actually a biggest fan on Laurie&Fry which made me watch that one and by chance I recalled Rik's face seen there when you...
Agreed, amazing story! Hope the family reunion is close! Suggest to put such stories into a special "DI Hall of Fame" because not for the first...
Is this the gentlemen who was starring in "Blackadder back&forth" in 1999? With Colin Firth, Laurie and Fry?
Terribly sorry for your lost, Mr. Peterson. I lost 3 kittens here on Philippines and know very well how does it feel - to miss a pet which passed...