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I guess I led a charmed life when I was in Dumaguete and Y not. I ran a tab every night I was there. Never had a problem. Lucky me.
I was trying not to say that but I whole heartedly agree. Don
Your advice is on point and well written. The problem is in the arrogance that you mentioned earlier. Some folks have to learn the hard way...
Rhoody is correct. That warnings has been around for a long long time...they just renew it annually, in my opinion, to cover their @ss. It...
Timn8ter, I know a few of expats there too and they love it. I've spent a fair amount of time there too and I loved it! That's until i found...
I was told the same thing when I was in Mindanao...with one ray of hope...$5000 would make it go away should I get in that situation...what the...
Guys if you feel I got out of line I apologize...I had to reply like I did and meant what I said to mr power. but he's not worth getting booted...
Without question.... Davao! Southerndon
Iv'e never sent anything to Dumaguete through Fedex. But i have sent extremely important documents to the Philippines with no problem at all....
I, like Roody, think it's interesting where this thread went considering the original topic. And like RHB said it's a great discussion for the...
I agree with Rudy It doesn't take but a few minutes to get your visa renewed in Dumaguete. I personally don't see any reason to pay someone...
Yabs, I can't speak for Daro since I don't know where it is in relation to Dumaguete. I do know that FedEx is extremely reliable and has been the...
Yabs, Personally speaking I've only had one letter that didn't make it to my GF in almost 3 years. But 1 letter is too much! I've delivered...
It's always good to remember the other side of living and visiting the Philippines and post like this certainly serve a good purpose. With that...
It's sad that some supposedly grown men don't have anything better to do! I can't imagine having so much time to troll if your living in the...
Speaking of Crime.... I've heard, and from all appearances it's true, that mr. Lee from Lee Plaza makes the Filipinas working for him keep...
When I was in Dumaguete I lived in the Laguna Silliman area within walking distance to Harolds Mansion. One night coming home from Why Not...I...
Rhoody sounds like the beginning of a great year! Southerndon
I never had a problem in Dumaguete that couldn't be solved with a few hours during the afternoon sitting outside in front of the Why Not drinking...
I found the link for all u folks that want it.. a private residence resort I hope this helps u folks.. Merry Christmas to all everyone here. Don