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Discussion in 'Dumaguete City' started by charlyB, Apr 21, 2020.

  1. Rye83

    Rye83 with pastrami Admin Secured Account Highly Rated Poster SC Connoisseur Veteran Army

    Beat me to it. Signed into law 21 JAN 2001.


    Go up anywhere in Valencia in the afternoon where you have a clear view of Dumaguete and you may think the entire city is on fire.

    The smoke definitely is toxic. Smoke from both plastic and leaves is considered "potentially carcinogenic". Is plastic worse? Probably, but when you are breathing 1000 times more smoke from leaves for several hours every day I'd say the leaves are going to be a bigger health issue.
    • Informative Informative x 1
    Last edited: Apr 21, 2020
  2. djfinn6230

    djfinn6230 DI Senior Member

    So that’s five million years of human evolution allowing the body to tolerate smoke from forest fires in nature...down the drain. Sad. (Need to eat some man made trans fats and refined sugar and settle down lol).

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  3. Rye83

    Rye83 with pastrami Admin Secured Account Highly Rated Poster SC Connoisseur Veteran Army

    Forest fires are relatively rare, I doubt we have been exposed to them enough for evolution to give any meaningful protection against the hazards they present. We, like almost every other animal, tend to flee from fires because, well, fire and smoke kills us.

    I'm not sure what you are on about with the trans fats and sugars. Yeah, too much of it, as with every substance on this planet, is not good for you. It seems as if you are trying to dismiss the dangers of this smoke because there is something out there that is potentially more dangerous. That's just not how it works. Can knives no longer kill anyone because firearms are a thing?

    Curious, do you burn your leaves?
  4. djfinn6230

    djfinn6230 DI Senior Member

    I mention the man made substances because I am referencing evolutionary processes and toxic substances in general. Trans fats are bad because the body has not evolved long enough to deal with them. It can deal with natural fats like the saturated fats in butter but trans fats as in margarine are now well known to be toxic. The Government who cares about banning the burning of leaves doesn’t care about man made foods that really are actually a poison. While the body can easily metabolize natural saturated and mono or unsaturated fats simply because we have evolved that way, it cannot handle trans fats; the body doesn’t “know” what this is because it us not the usual -un, mono or just saturated natural substance. This is similar to the case of concentrated refined dextrose sugars vs natural fructose found in fruit. When toxic materials such as some plastics are burned, toxic carcinogens and mutagens are often released. The body responds to these irritants with cancer and DNA damage or even more immediate damage. Naturally occurring leaves when burnt release chemicals that the body has evolved long ago to tolerate when in reasonably moderate quantities such as a “pile of leaves”. Calling that poison is an exaggeration. Often you will hear that toxic carbon monoxide is released and this is true; all incomplete combustion releases CO; fireplaces (which are usually vented), candles, campfires, motor vehicles and so on generate CO but when it happens in open and/or well vented spaces the body can deal with it as it always has, in reasonable concentrations. But man made products such as polyurethane foam release cyanide products which the body has not learned to eliminate and it becomes deadly even in open spaces. I would be very concerned to be surrounded by the smoke from burning man-made mattresses next door but not so concerned with burning leaves made by nature. I don’t generally burn leaves; our helpers started burning them but I stopped it because it made the back yard look unattractive. They just piled it up against the perimeter wall and burned them, leaning ugly black areas; they never thought ugliness was a problem I guess. I tell them to leave the cut grass where it us and it quickly turns into fertile trees mulch in the humidity and heat. My filipino neighbor burns grass and leaves etc as he is clearing his field; he does so in a considerate way, making sure the wind is generally blowing away from the house when he does it, however, if he were to miscalculate the wind direction and the smoke came our way, I would not feel threatened by exposure to toxic chemicals. Inconvenienced, maybe, but I probably would not complain and for sure would not call authorities. Anyway, this is the sort of discussion of which I know I will never end up on the winning side. Just as you say it is difficult to see Dumaguete City from Valencia, and I know that because I live here too, I tend to attribute that mostly to smoke from belching trucks, old cars and motorcycles. True, somebody can say it is mostly due to leaves. In truth it is both but in my “opinion”, the burning of leaves is not nearly as much a factor as motor vehicles and also industrial sources. I have no cites to support my position but nor does anyone else. I think politicians who make up rules like banning leaves are sometimes attempting to virtue-signal their commitment to the environmental movement (to their supporters) but in reality they are having little actual impact. Ditto for straw bans and other foolishness. Thanks for your comments.

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    • Agree Agree x 1
  5. Rye83

    Rye83 with pastrami Admin Secured Account Highly Rated Poster SC Connoisseur Veteran Army

    Have to admit I didn't read all of that, but I have a pretty good idea where you were going with it.

    Yes, excessive trans fats and sugars (along with excessive intake of "natural" proteins, carbs, fats, water and oxygen...or pretty much anything else) is bad for you. Here is the big difference; anyone that stuffs their fat gluttonous faces with that stuff is doing so on their own free will. If you are too stupid to connect the excessive weight gain and declining health with your p*ss poor diet and life choices, well, that's your right but I can only hope that you pass away before you pass on the genes that made you such a ret@rd.

    The government wants to regulate the burning of these hazardous materials because people should not have the right to fill my apartment with toxic smoke potentially raising my risk of cancer because of their stupidity. These regulations are designed to stop @ssholes and mental midgets from inflicting harm on others.

    I don't believe the government should interfere with idiots harming themselves, but they certainly should stop those same idiots from harming other, more intelligent and contributing, members of society.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  6. SkipJack

    SkipJack DI Senior Member

    Yes, the government should stop polluters that effect others. This includes noise pollution from loud motorcycles with custom pipes.
    • Agree Agree x 3
  7. Jens K

    Jens K DI Senior Member

    true, and there are also laws for that I believe. Enforcement lacks, again.
  8. Rye83

    Rye83 with pastrami Admin Secured Account Highly Rated Poster SC Connoisseur Veteran Army

    :sneaky: Are you a neighbor? I try to keep the RPMs down once I get to the poruk and I roll the bike out of the property when leaving but have to idle up to the parking spot since it is up hill. It's hard to keep a 1000cc sports bike quiet. Sorry about that. I am looking to sell it...so fingers crossed. :wink:

    If you are a neighbor and own the new puppy and those cats, would you consider training the puppy to keep quiet and having the cats fixed? It seems the cats have opened a brothel on my metal roof, a terrible sound. :wink:
    • Funny Funny x 2
  9. SkipJack

    SkipJack DI Senior Member

    Nope I am not the neighbor with the pets. I sympathize with you in that your neighbor with the pets is polluting your space.

    Please reinstall the stock exhaust before you sell it. This way someone else will not be riding around creating noise pollution.
    • Like Like x 1
  10. Rye83

    Rye83 with pastrami Admin Secured Account Highly Rated Poster SC Connoisseur Veteran Army

    Meh, it is a slip on and isn't all that loud unless it is excessively revved up, which I don't do. The factory exhausts also went over any dB regulations at high enough RPMs. Harleys are sold here and are much louder with their factory exhausts just while idling. It's just how big bikes are, to enforce those regulations on large displacement bikes they would need to ban big bikes all together and I doubt that is going to happen.