Saturday pics We spent most of the day in Dumaguete picking up some materials. Got my electric meter at Anna's electric supply for just over 4,500 peso, they have some pretty decent stuff at their shop. Need to register the meter in Tanjay and take it back for calibration, weird procedures here. Got some paint for the gutters and will see how well they matched the color chart. The workers put the rendering in for the closet door to open in instead of out so that will have to be redone, one reason I hate being offsite...simple things that end up taking time to redo. Shawn
LOL, I had a door installed upside down once, knob, lock, and all. You simply cannot turn your back for a minute here. Larry
Larry...would love to see a picture of that one. Could be worth an additional topic of pics on screw ups by workers here. It all comes down to the guys not wanting to look at the drawings and reverting back to what they think it should be...there are 3 sets of drawings on site. Other than the storage shed and the 2nd floor toilet I only have two door sizes. They came to me yesterday to verify the door size for the closet (same as the CRs) and I pull out the drawings to show them where to find the information...guess door swing passed them by. I realize closets are not common here or in Asia in general (my wife refers to it as a "cabinet" to the workers) but am disappointed when they don't take the time to look at the drawings...the way a door opens is shown standard on drawings from every country I've dealt with. If I was on site I would have caught it from the get go but it was important for me to get some materials and tools today, so some is what it is. Shawn
O-| Larry! Shawn, just goes to show how you need eyes in your Back side, Then they wonder why? we want/need to be on site as much as we are. As for plans I tend sometimes to think they are only, pretty drawings. When the Engineer Yep Engineer did the original Staking for the Build, he Forgot Forgot to include, the 1 meter overhang, for the roof. If we had not noticed this and it was quite easy to notice, the house would have been some 16+ sq mtr smaller and the garden area 16+ sq mtr larger. Not to mention, a total cock up in the Dimensions of the rooms for Fitted Cupboards etc. Door jams would have all been wrong and well everything, would have been wrong That, was at day one (1) I was there Every day after that. I was not their favourite employer but we got the House we planned and I hope they learned, a few lessons. (near enough Boss? was a common question?) No! not right, do it again. It got to the stage on one problem, when we had to say, Put it Right in your time not ours. :D You would be surprised, how fewer mistakes were made and the Foreman did a lot more checking with us to make sure he had got it right. JP
Jack, Quite the challenge building here, for the most part I'm pleased with our main guys' work but every once in awhile they do make a mistake that would have easily been preventable. You made me think of a question that I have been meaning to ask about kitchen cabinets, why do they mount the cupboards so high? We've rented a few places and each place has been the same, my wife literally has to stand on the counter to get anything out of them. Mine will be the US standard height...just another one of those things that doesn't make sense to me. Shawn
Another day in life, on the Fantasy Islands. Laughable really, with an average height of around 5 feet I just don't see the sense in how high, they hang them What we did, was set them for my wife, she is 5 feet 1 inch, the daughter and I are OK with this, as we are not in the Cabinets as often as Azon We were never bothered about anyone else, as it is our House and all others can like it or Lump it. The carpenter was not too amused when we told him the height we wanted, they always go here he said. mmmmmmmmm and what does your wife do, to reach. ah! she gets a Stool Talk about making life hard work, he said, what if you sell the House then you can come and move them for the new owners but thats double work. ha ha O-| then my little friend, you will get paid again won't you. OH! the stories, can go on for ever JP
Jack, Glad I'm not the only one that don't get why they hang them so high...why get a stool when you can just put them at a good height, hilarious. The stories are humorous after enough time goes by. Shawn
The plumber does not seem to have a problem putting the shower head low so I have to squat to rinse my hair!:p