Then My Friend you really need to go to the City Prosecutors' office ( Halls of Justice) There is a protocol that needs to be Followed if you intend to proceed with a Criminal action against someone. Always a Poppy, I know I have been there, Best of Luck but remember, it will cost you Plenty win or lose
I think we need a new rating for this situation instead of agree or like my rating would be SAD, i think it is sad that people are afraid to defend their lawful rights in this country because of the thought of the tandem riders sneaking up to settle the case. If a barangay captain can be shot outside a police outpost what hope for the rest of us.
I'm not really concerned about that with the other party involved and understand that from previous advice would need to file the civil case at the Halls of Justice, but would still take any advice on a good attorney to assist.
It might be worth your while to have a consult with Atty Raymond Mercado located across from City Mall in the RM building. Mercado has been recommended in this forum before. A consult will not be that expensive but as mentioned, going to trial is not inexpensive although much less expensive than is the US. It seems that the law here generally follows the USA justice system, which can be very confusing, and not the European system which is completely different in both civil and criminal matters.