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Silliman University

Discussion in 'Dumaguete City' started by RichD, Nov 14, 2018.

  1. Rye83

    Rye83 with pastrami Admin Secured Account Highly Rated Poster SC Connoisseur Veteran Army

    No credible school should claim a 100% first attempt pass rate. When I see those types of claims I immediately think the school is a joke/corrupt or has a serious lack of integrity and is passing students just for the 100% pass credential to let students and parents know that "No matter how stupid you are, you will pass here. Your money won't be wasted on your idiot child". There is absolutely no way a school can have a 100% student pass rate. Perfection is impossible when humans are involved. There will always be someone who shows up drunk, stoned, mentally unstable, etc to a test and fails. They are almost certainly brushing some failures under the rug.

    I don't buy into that school ranking system either. Top-rated schools are, in the vast majority of cases, just bragging rights for the wealthy. A degree is all that most places are looking for in lieu of actual real world experience, doesn't really matter where it came from (so long as it wasn't some scam school like Trump University). If going to school in the US, a more practical perk from schools I would be looking for would be a solid job placement program (and a history of success with said program for former students). If I'm going to hemorrhage a ridiculous amount of money to a school they had better d*mn near guarantee me a job afterwards.
    • Like Like x 1
    • Agree Agree x 1
  2. TheDude

    TheDude DI Forum Patron Highly Rated Poster

    There's also Foundation University, which apparently has a nursing program. I sent some kids through the high school. I don't know if it's any better for avoidance of religious programs.


    My ex scored a visa from her mother and went to LA. She got a CNA within months from a school there (she was able to get a student loan) and landed a job right away. She started out in convalescent homes and in a few years worked her way up to Kaiser Medical Center. I don't know if she has acquired any other certifications, but she could just continue working her way up the ladder (up to full nurse) and the larger employers would likely pay. Her constraint is that she can't take time away because she heavily supports family in the Philippines.

    Beating a dead horse here. :deadhorse:

    That seems like a good route to me. By the time a few years has passed, you have been working in the field, making money and you have proven this is the field for you. You may not be full nurse yet, but you have far more experience than someone coming in green, and you're on that path. This is the route for the hustlers.

    It's also at this point which I would also be considering a continuing education in the Phils. Again, you have had some years of experience in the field and "adulting". Maybe you have had a chance to save some money. You would likely have a better idea of how useful a degree in the Philippines would be. Maybe you would also have some other options to consider.
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  3. Rye83

    Rye83 with pastrami Admin Secured Account Highly Rated Poster SC Connoisseur Veteran Army

    Interviewer: What university did you go to?
    Interviewee: FU
    Interviewer: Excuse me?
    Interviewee: You heard me.
    • Funny Funny x 7
  4. TheDude

    TheDude DI Forum Patron Highly Rated Poster

    Which of course, is the ONLY reason I would consider going to school here. And the ONLY university I would consider attending.
    • Funny Funny x 3
  5. Show Pony

    Show Pony DI Forum Patron Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer

    When Silliman says they have 100 percent pass rate they mean 100 percent passed the national board exam.
    A person can pass all their courses but if the university does not think you will pass the national exam, they will not endorse that person to write.
    If Silliman will not endorse someone then they enroll somewhere else for a semester and get endorsed by them to write.
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    • Informative Informative x 1
  6. adegans

    adegans DI Junior Member

    Make sure the diploma she gets and the school she goes to is recognized in the US, otherwise it's all for nothing. I know many "universities" in this country count for nothing in Europe because they suck so bad over here.
  7. TheDude

    TheDude DI Forum Patron Highly Rated Poster

    So, men can't be nurses?
  8. furriner

    furriner DI Forum Adept Restricted Account

    Silliman admits many international students from places like Iran that are not even Christian. Silliman is actually Protestant and offers religious training but it is not mandatory. It is a good university whose accreditation is accepted in places like the US. Kudos to your son for understanding the importance of a good education. Such people often realize that the joy of education exceeds any fiscal purposes for obtaining a degree, yet being aware that it opens doors so that you can have a career in something that they will enjoy rather than having a humdrum, even if profitable, job (as opposed to “career”) for the rest of one’s life, contributing not only to one’s self but to society.
    • Like Like x 2
  9. jim787

    jim787 DI Senior Member

    Yes, Silliman can be characterized as Liberal Protestant. As for the study of religion not being mandatory, take another look at the nursing course requirements posted above. Courses in Old Testament etc. are apparently mandatory. This may be specific to Nursing, on account of a presumed component of "spiritual nursing". Let's see some other programs to compare.
  10. tagacalindagan

    tagacalindagan DI New Member

    I was a Silliman University graduate many decades when the school was less liberal. I am now living in Canada but planning to retire in Dumaguete. Back to your question RichD, I think religious courses at SU are electives and your son can choose other electives that has nothing to do with religion. But even if your son takes religion, he will probably end up taking a very liberal form of Protestantism that will create minimal friction to whatever world view your son embraces. SU is a very good school and highly accredited in the US. I have a long list of SU alumni who are doing great in the land where anything is possible. I recommend nursing and engineering for your son. All he best on your decision.
    • Informative Informative x 1