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Suggestion Best Posts in Thread: STARBUCKS

  1. liannastar

    liannastar DI Member

    Basically have to pay US prices at starbucks for starbucks in PI lol.
    Never again.
    I actually prefer the native coffee anyway.
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  2. kowpot

    kowpot DI Junior Member Veteran Air Force

    I have never been to a Starbucks and not about to start now. I don't need a $5.00 cup of coffee.
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  3. Mark K

    Mark K DI Member

    Starbucks will no doubt be busy and successful. It has one great advantage.....if you go to Starbucks you can take a selfie with your coffee showing the Starbucks logo. Then you can post it on Facebook or some other social media drivel, thereby showing the world how cool, international, successful and progressive you are.

    The fact that it sells overpriced mediocre coffee is entirely irrelevant. :smile:
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  4. wolvhund

    wolvhund DI Member

    The Philippines had more Starbucks than any other country outside of the US at one time. I think they are down to 10th place now. I really don't get it, the cost in the Philippines is almost the same as in the US, and it is way overpriced in the US, not to mention their coffee is nasty.
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  5. DavyL200

    DavyL200 DI Forum Luminary ★ Global Mod ★ ★ Moderator ★ Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer

    More overpriced coffee shops lol.
    • Agree Agree x 3
  6. IggyPop

    IggyPop DI Member Showcase Reviewer

    WTF, you think I'm a cake lover?
    It was for a 12yo niece birthday celebration. Anyway we did end up stopping at Sans Rivals and they even did a happy birthday sing along. What!! you don't like happy birthday singalongs now?
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  7. Happy Camper

    Happy Camper DI Senior Member Restricted Account Infamous Showcase Reviewer

    My wife loves their hot chocolate, Bo's comes in second place. She'll be happy, and isn't that what makes a good life? A happy wife.
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